- Monday, May 8, 2023

Last month, Colorado became the first state to ban abortion pill reversal as treatment for women who have a change of heart and want to save their babies from abortion.

The law was immediately challenged by Bella Health, a Colorado-based Catholic health clinic that offers abortion pill reversal treatment. U.S. District Court ordered a temporary restraining order that allows the clinic to continue to offer abortion pill reversal for now.

But if the abortion lobby gets its way and the law is ultimately upheld, Colorado women will no longer be allowed to choose life for their preborn babies if they change their minds after starting a chemical abortion — sentencing their preborn babies to death.

Soon, other states will follow suit.

Like Colorado, women across the nation will soon no longer have the option to save their babies if and when they change their minds. They will be forced to kill their baby, even if they don’t want to.

The abortion industry is doing what they repeatedly accuse pro-lifers of doing: removing a woman’s right to choose.

In the past, advocates of abortion access have claimed to be “pro-choice” while peddling death as a viable business model, but the truth is they can’t afford to be pro-choice. They are abortion sellers, and abortion sellers don’t make a profit selling choices other than abortion. Pro-life pregnancy centers offer life as a choice — and that threatens Planned Parenthood’s very livelihood.

The abortion lobby is finally saying what they really believe out loud. They don’t care about protecting women’s choice. Their only motive is to safeguard abortion at any cost — and in this case protecting abortion by removing a woman’s true right to choose life for her unborn baby.

The abortion pill, also known as medication or chemical abortion, accounts for the majority of abortions performed today. They generally occur in the first trimester of pregnancy and involve a two-step pill process.

The first pill, mifepristone, prohibits a baby’s development and eventually kills it. The second pill, misoprostol, causes the baby to be flushed out of the mother’s body.

Women who begin a chemical abortion but change their minds within 72 hours of taking the first pill have a more than 60% chance of saving their baby’s life if they begin a treatment of progesterone.

Progesterone has been prescribed to women for decades to increase the likelihood of pregnancy and for high-risk pregnancies.

Abortion pill reversal treatment has been around for about a decade, and in that time, over 4,000 babies have been saved by the treatment. Women deserve the right to save their baby’s life.

It is incomprehensible that a woman’s right to choose life for her baby would be denied by the same industry that championed “women’s choice” for the last 50 years. But here we are.

The abortion lobby won’t support a women’s right to choose life for her preborn baby because it’s not about women, their rights or their choice.

For the abortion lobby, it’s about peddling abortion at any cost. It’s anti-woman, and it’s anti-choice.

Women around the country better pay attention to what is happening in Colorado. It may not be long before the abortion industry sets its sights on your state, and mothers there are denied the opportunity to change their minds and choose life.

• Nicole Hunt is a writer and life issues analyst for Focus on the Family’s Daily Citizen. She lives in Colorado with her husband and four children.

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