- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 4, 2023

Leftists have launched yet another riotous takeover of a state capitol building, this time in Austin, Texas; this time in protest of a bill to ban the gender reassignment of little kids; this time, as raucously as last time.

Oklahoma. Tennessee. Colorado. Montana. Texas. Leftists have obviously decided that the way to win political battles is to drown out debate and dumb down the legislative process. That figures. Most leftists are toddlers in adult bodies, devoid of critical thinking skills and passionate only for the physical, the fleshly, the self — passionate only for those actions that can crush opposition and kill the Constitution. 

Truly, America has entered a time of the rise of the ignorants.

“Trans rights are human rights,” members of LGBTQ Texans and their supporters screamed from the Texas chamber gallery, as a means of halting the progression of a bill that would prohibit minor-age children from getting puberty blockers and hormone therapies.

You’d think all but the most ignorant — the most driven by ideology and a demonic spirit — could see the sense of allowing children to live out their childhood years, to mature past their hormone racing years, before making decisions that could medically affect their entire being: their sex. You’d think that could be a common ground between the various factions fighting over LGBTQ matters. You’d think it could be considered common sense that those who aren’t even allowed by law, due to age, to purchase cigarettes, sign contracts, or get jobs ought not have the legal ability to mess medically and in many cases permanently with their sex — that there could be an understanding that if you’re not old enough to, say, get a tattoo, then you’re not old enough to medically halt puberty’s natural progression.

But no.


The LGBTQ crowd is filled with lunatics.

And that is no surprise. Transgenderism is a psychological disorder. It’s a mental illness. It’s a matter for therapy and counseling — not medical enabling. What’s more, parents who support their children’s “transitions” to a different sex are guilty of abuse.

They should be hauled into court for hearings about their competency to raise children and, if need be, stripped of their parental rights.

“Texas House Speaker Made Phelan abruptly cleared the public from the chamber’s gallery,” KXAN.com wrote, “after LGBTQ Texans and parents of transgender kids chanted in opposition of a bill that would ban transition-related care for children.”

The media have become just as enabling of mental disorder as the parent pushers of pro-LGBTQ agendas.

There is no such thing as “transition-related care for children.” There is rebelling against God’s domain — which is to say God’s determination of male and female. There is evil. There are lies, deceptions and spins. There is the destruction of innocence; the exploitation of children; the abusive treatment of youth.

But there is not, in context of describing the sterilization of little kids, “gender healthcare for children,” as The Independent put it.

On the normalization of mental illness, the media have become just as dangerously ignorant as the ignorant who make up the vast majority of the transgender community.

But this is not by happenstance.

Democrats happily use the ignorant for political gain.

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris just met with the three Tennessee lawmakers who thuggishly used their legislative positions to launch a chaotic protest on the state House floor, demanding gun control they couldn’t get via thoughtful debate and discussion.

“If you stand up for kids, you’re standing up for our communities and democratic values,” Biden told Justin Jones, Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson during their Oval Office visit.

Democrats love this trend toward violence. It’s something they can really use. 

“Students removed from state Capitol legislative session during protest,” CBS Colorado wrote in April.

“Riot police descend on Montana Capitol as left-wing protesters shut down proceedings,” Fox News reported just a few days ago.

“‘Trans Lives Matter’ protesters occupy Oklahoma state Capitol,” Fox News reported in February.

It’s the way of the Democrats.

It’s the wave of America’s future, so long as there are Democrats holding political office.

Founding Fathers suggested that without a moral and virtuous citizenry, this republic would devolve into first, a democracy — where the winds of change and whims of unprincipled humans rule — and then, ultimately, into a mob-like and chaotic Big Government godless mass. Well, we’re here. We’ve arrived. This is secular, rising “nones” America: rising in violence, rising in ignorance, rising in mental illness.

The transgender loons have been unleashed to run the Democratic Party’s asylum.

The leftist thugs have been freed to run roughshod over American society and culture, all for Democratic Party gain.

If education and proper moral compass are the means of combating ignorance, then America’s hope lies with the destruction of the socialist-slash-communist teachers’ unions, the ousting of as many Democrats from power as possible, the hiring of more police, more police, more police and the return of the citizenry to church and Bible teachings.

It’s that last that’s first in priority.

America needs God. So Americans need to pray — to confess, repent and pray. With so much ignorance about, that is the only way to effectively fight and win.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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