- Wednesday, May 31, 2023

As horrific mass shootings happen across the country, committed mostly by young men, it is evident that childhood trauma, isolation, and the absence of an involved father each plays a role in fostering such tragedies.

Fatherhood Resource Hub says that the children of involved dads are 39% more likely to earn A’s in school; 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled; twice as likely to attend college or find stable employment; 75% less likely to have a teen birth; and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.

When fathers play a prominent role with their children, it changes the trajectory of their lives. I know because I was raised without my father present.

My mantra about fatherhood is that fathers affirm, provide and protect. A good work ethic is just one of the attributes a good dad instills in his children.

When fathers aren’t present for their children, we wind up with youth who have no regard for the law, leading to mass shootings and more senseless suffering. My heart hurts for the families who have lost loved ones due to shooters who have no regard for life.

Heritage Foundation research shows that “routine family bonding activities like reading bedtime stories and eating meals together have a profound effect on children’s educational development and psychological well-being.” A common denominator in the lives of mass shooters is that they’ve had some sort of psychological breakdown in the days leading up to the shootings.  

Fathers, we can play a role in stopping this.

This Father’s Day, which comes in a couple of weeks, I am reflecting on the work ethic I helped my daughters receive.

I always wondered what type of work ethic my children would have growing into adulthood. I’m certainly thankful for the one my parents instilled in me. As I became a father 21 years ago, I was hoping I could pass that same strong work ethic in my children.

We often hear it said that “kids these days don’t want to work.” So as a father to three daughters, ages 21, 19 and 17, I have prayed through the years for my girls to work hard at everything they try.

It’s easy to tell your children to work hard, but modeling a good work ethic is most important. Keeping a good balance, knowing that family is what’s most important over work, and setting a good example of work ethic is key, according to allprodad.com.

In our family, we believe that hard work is realized by exerting your focus and energy toward accomplishing a goal. When people hear about work ethic, they think that means holding a job, but that’s only part of it. It also means the energy you apply to your studies. After all, even children who aren’t old enough to have a job can develop a good work ethic by applying themselves to their schoolwork.

Knowing that my daughters see the value of working and putting forth energy to accomplish something in life is important to me as a proud father. A good work ethic provides good fathers with a sense of peace because they’re not waiting for a handout. They know the value of hard work to get what they want.

Raising young ladies and men alike, it has always been in my heart to model having a good work ethic. I believe it enhances the quality of the person who will make a good wife, husband, mother and father someday.

Fathers, let’s always remember to take that job seriously.


Terris Todd is an adviser for coalitions engagement at The Heritage Foundation.

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