- The Washington Times - Monday, May 29, 2023

Former President Donald Trump remains a nimble candidate in the 2024 presidential race. Consider his newest campaign spot, a one-minute production released Monday — complete with urgent music, dynamic graphics and video footage, plus a straightforward pitch.

“The Washington establishment politicians like to talk about how they can be just like Donald Trump. The truth? There’s only one Donald Trump. Only one who gave us the largest tax cuts in history, who gave military vets the health care they deserve, and who stood up to China and protected your job,” intones a very serious male announcer.

“Only one who kept us out of endless war while destroying our terrorist enemies,” he continues.

“Only one who fundamentally changed the Supreme Court, was called the most pro-life president in history, and who relentlessly protected our Second Amendment rights and our borders. Why would we ever settle for Trump imposters? When there’s only one — starting day one who can make America great again,” the announcer concludes.

The candidate’s qualities appear to be an emerging theme in his campaign.

“Ever since President Trump became a national icon, many Republicans have branded themselves as ‘Trump Republicans.’ Many of them are, in fact, true believers in our America First agenda,” the Trump campaign declared in a written message to the Beltway.

“But, there are others who will determine their values, their beliefs and their loyalty, depending on which way the wind is blowing and who happens to be signing their checks. At the end of the day, there is still only one President Trump,” the message continued.


Capitol Hill wrangling at least gave the restless news media something to do in the last 48 hours. Here are just a few headlines addressing the debt-limit deal reached by President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Saturday.

“Wrinkles and curveballs in the debt ceiling bill” (Politico); “Student loans in debt ceiling deal leave millions facing nightmare scenario” (Newsweek); “Biden and McCarthy lean on holdouts in both parties to pass debt ceiling deal” (CNN); “Debt ceiling live updates: ‘Large majority’ of Democrats ‘in flux’ on the deal” (NBC News); “With this debt limit deal, Congress has beclowned itself” (The Washington Post); “Debt ceiling deal’s next steps — getting it through Congress” (CBS News); “Republicans win on the debt ceiling: Here’s why House GOP should support deal” (Fox News); “The deal to raise the debt ceiling is being sold as a necessary compromise” (NPR); and “America’s debt ceiling deal means it should now avoid Armageddon” (The Economist).


“Post Pandemic Summer.”

This three-word phrase comes from Axios, which notes an attitude change among Americans as the warm and carefree months of vacation approach.

“Americans who’ve long wanted to put COVID in the rearview mirror are actively embracing the idea the pandemic is over,”  Axios analysts Adriel Bettelheim and Javier E. David report.

“For the first time, the majority of the public agrees the crisis has passed, according to the Axios-Ipsos American Health Index. 62% agreed that the pandemic is over — compared to 46% when we asked the question in February,” they state in their analysis.

“Data show Americans are flocking to food, drink and entertainment venues in droves, underscoring our growing comfort with being in crowded spaces again. Tours by Taylor Swift and Beyonce are selling to stadiums that are at or near capacity. Soaring demand has sent prices through the roof,” they said.

“Movies are drawing us back, with box-office receipts closing in on pre-pandemic levels. Seated diners skyrocketed by a staggering 81% in mid-May (coinciding with Mother’s Day) versus the comparable time frame in 2022, according to figures from Open Table,” the analysts continued.

“Reality check: For many, the desire for normalcy has been tempered by a lingering fear of the stealthy virus,” they concluded.


Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy is still active in his quest to win the White House. He is returning to New Hampshire this week to court the discerning voters inofthe Granite State — cruising through the gorgeous countryside by bus and spreading his campaign message.

According to the Belknap County GOP, the candidate’s stops include a “lobster bake” in New Castle, a roundtable with state lawmakers in Concord, and a “First-in-the-Nation” sunset cruise with 300 Republicans on a lake near Laconia.

Find the candidate — who is 37 years old, by the way — at Vivek2024.com.


Much of the nation does not appear to be comfortable with the idea of owning an electric car.

“Policymakers inside the Biden administration have repeatedly assured Americans that electric vehicles (EVs) are an unavoidable and essential part of the ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions world that they’re trying to regulate into existence. But despite hefty subsidies and future bans of gasoline-powered cars, Americans aren’t ready to jump on the EV bandwagon,” wrote Terry Jones, an Issues & Insights editor, in an analysis released Monday.

Yes, there are numbers on that.

The news organization also conducted a straightforward poll of 1,412 U.S. drivers on the matter. “How likely will you consider buying/leasing an electric vehicle for your next car?” the poll asked.

Over half — 53% — said they were “not likely” to even consider an electric car. In contrast, 39% said they were “likely” to go with an EV, with the rest undecided.

“We asked another question about EVs, this time factoring in fuel costs: ‘How likely are you to consider buying/leasing an electric vehicle for your next car if electricity to run the car costs more than gasoline or fuel for a hybrid?’ The answers show significant sensitivity to costs,” Mr. Jones said in his analysis.

“When the cost of electricity exceeds the cost of gasoline, the ‘likely’ to buy an EV answer shrank to 32% from 39%, while the ‘unlikely’ answer grew from 53% to 61%,” he wrote.

“Few people, it seems, think the added expense and trouble of purchasing special charging equipment, having lengthy charging sessions of 10 hours or more and not being able to drive into a gas station and say ‘fill ’er up’ is worth the trouble of an EV,” Mr. Jones said.


• 31% of U.S. adults “strongly disapprove” of the way Congress is handling its job.

• 20% of U.S. adults “somewhat disapprove” of the way Congress is handling its job.

• 17% “somewhat approve” of the way Congress is handling its job.

• 9% “strongly approve” of the way Congress is handling its job.

• 16% “neither approve nor disapprove” of the way Congress is handling its job.

• 7% are “not sure” about the issue.

SOURCE: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted May 20-23.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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