- The Washington Times - Friday, May 26, 2023

ORLANDO, Fla. — The latest General Social Survey, conducted by NORC, the research arm of the University of Chicago, found only half of Americans say they’re now certain God exists.

Only half? Come on, now. In a country where rights come from God, and government is only in place to protect those inherent birth rights and liberties, this finding spells doom. 

How can you have “God-given” if you remove the “God?” 

How can a country that cherishes individualism keep from falling on the sword of collectivism if God is replaced by government?

Belief in God is the foundation of America’s freedoms. And now — that belief is weakening, waning, going, going, getting to dangerously low levels.

Half of Americans, according to this survey of the state of the nation in 2022, The Hill reported, say they’re unsure God is real; just under 50% say they’re positive God exists; and 34% say they never go to church — the highest level in 50 or so years. It’s still about a fifty-fifty world out there; but it’s tipping toward uncertainty. And if you look at years past, in comparison with years present, it seems America is actually hurtling toward secularism. In 2008, for example, 60% of those responding to this General Social Survey expressed certainty in the existence of God.

At that rate — at the rate of 10% drops in belief in God every 15 years — all of America will be non-believing by the dawn of the next century. And that is to say: America will be a very different place — a very controlled, regulated, government-run place. 

Founding Fathers warned that without godly and virtuous citizens, the nation’s republic would not last. Why? It’s only the godly and virtuous who are capable of self-government — of self-control — of self-restraint. It’s only the godly and virtuous who fear God more than man and who fear the ultimate accountability that comes with the after-life — and who therefore take care with deeds and thoughts during this earthly life; and who pursue the ultimate “well done, good and faithful servant” pat in Heaven, more than the immediate and fleshly pleasures of the secular and the sinful.

It’s the immoral who most need government controls — government-imposed consequences — government oversight and restrictions and regulations.

As faith in God falls, so government grows.

It’s not just the NORC report that indicates America’s shift toward secularism. 

The Public Religion Research Institution recently found that 27% of Americans in 2022 said they didn’t hold fast to any particular faith or religion — and that’s up from 19% who said the same in 2012 and 16% in 2006.

American Exceptionalism hangs in the balance. The foundation of freedom is belief that God gives each and every of His creations — humans — certain unalienable rights and talents and seeds of greatness and purposes and missions, and that it’s both the responsibility and privilege of each and every individual to give glory to God by living a life that uses those talents and that fulfills those purposes. In other words, each individual, in God’s eyes, is equal; thus, the American concepts of liberty, equality and justice are born.

Democrats don’t see this.

Democrats, Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives don’t get that.

Leftists love collectivism and detest individualism because the first allows for the control of mass populations, while the second strips the elite of their powers.

The war in America is, has been and always will be over God-given rights — and on a deeper level, against the principalities of darkness who seek to become the god of the people; who seek to win the worship of the people. The choice is simple: God-given or government granted. Rights will come from one;  choose wisely.

If Americans can keep the faith, America will keep its freedom. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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