- Sunday, May 21, 2023

Here’s a brief quiz. What do all these events have in common?

Special counsel John Durham’s long-awaited report leaves no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s campaign facilitated the Russian collusion hoax “to vilify Donald Trump” during and after the 2016 presidential election cycle. The corrupt FBI leadership validated the scheme, which led to the first Trump impeachment. Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California lied over and over to keep the hoax going.

Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, helped orchestrate a letter signed by 51 national security experts in October 2020 falsely suggesting that the New York Post’s factual expose of Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. The shocking revelations about massive foreign influence peddling were suppressed, helping to secure President Biden’s election.

An IRS supervisory agent and his “entire investigative team” were removed recently from an inquiry into the younger Mr. Biden’s taxes and a gun purchase. The order came from Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Justice Department, the same agency that has targeted parents who protested at school board meetings, ignored attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers. and conducted a SWAT-style raid at the home of anti-abortion activist Mark Houck.

Finally, in riveting testimony before Congress this past week, two FBI whistleblowers recounted how Democrats have weaponized the bureau to punish ideological foes and mistreat the whistleblowers themselves. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, Florida Democrat, responded that they’re not whistleblowers because the agency persecuting them says they’re not. Oh, well.

The short answer to the introductory question is that these incidents are shocking evidence of unpunished lawlessness at the highest levels of government. Officials who swore to uphold the Constitution have committed serial crimes that add up to sedition and even treason. Many Americans are asking when someone, anyone, will pay a price for subverting our self-governing republic.

The Washington Post and New York Times, which won Pulitzers for pushing the Russian collusion hoax, greeted the 316-page Durham report with a yawn. Lies that the FBI told a federal court to obtain a warrant to spy on a Trump adviser “flowed from confirmation bias, rather than politically motivated misconduct,” the Post explained. The Post insisted that Mr. Durham “uncovered next to nothing.” Wouldn’t want to tarnish a Pulitzer with inconvenient truth.

Lawlessness is not only rife in politics. The culture is awash in it. Right is wrong. Evil is good. Bitter is sweet.

Major League Baseball, which surrendered to “wokeness” years ago, has jumped the shark in Los Angeles. The Dodgers had slated a Pride Night “Community Hero” award on June 16 for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

These are drag queens who dress as nuns and mock Christianity, Catholics, and Jesus and Mary in obscene ways we can’t describe in a family newspaper. The woker-than-thou Los Angeles Times mildly explains that the group “uses humor, drag and religious imagery to call attention to sexual intolerance.” Yeah, that’s the ticket.

The Dodgers said they were “thrilled” to be “fostering an inclusive environment.” After an uproar, the team canceled the award while still boasting of the “great benefits that we have seen over the years on Pride Night.”

Baseball fans, especially Catholics, should stay away from Dodger Stadium in droves. Whoever came up with this perverse stunt should be fired like the Bud Light public relations team that hired “trans influencer” Dylan Mulvaney and has cost Anheuser-Busch millions — and counting.

Moral lawlessness does not happen overnight, although the trans movement has exploded over the last two years. Major powers in culture, academia, media and corporations have been fostering it for years.

Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr., who claims he is a faithful Catholic, wrote a piece this past week titled “San Francisco values are American values.” God help us if he’s right.

Mr. Dionne praises former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a rabid supporter of abortion and all things LGBTQ, including sadomasochistic festivals in her district, as exemplifying “rather old-fashioned Catholicism.”

Mr. Dionne signals his own virtue this way:

“After attending an early-morning Easter Mass, I stopped by that afternoon at Dolores Park, home of the annual ’Hunky Jesus’ and ’Foxy Mary’ celebration, a drag show organized by a 44-year-old queer and trans group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. You could view the gathering as a ‘Blasphemous San Francisco Easter tradition,’ as SFGate put it, or as a celebration of freedom and peaceful coexistence — or both.”

No, you can’t. As with those who deliberately confuse children sexually and lead them toward dangerous drugs and surgery, this is pure evil.

Like many journalists, Mr. Dionne enthusiastically supports socialist economics and the sexual revolution, both of which militate against marriage, family and faith. Marx and Lenin identified these three foundational blessings as communism’s main foes.

In a lawless time, truth-telling isn’t enough to stop the moral slide. It takes people willing to ignore the slings and arrows and stand up for what’s right. Those who do, such as the FBI whistleblowers and Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, to name a few, need us to have their backs.

House Republicans are shining a light into many dark corners. They deserve support. But we also need to find ways, albeit with a corrupt Justice Department, to send some prominent people to prison.

• Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His website is roberthknight.com.

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