- The Washington Times - Friday, May 19, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene this week announced plans to file articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden because of his failures to enforce America’s borders and for his failures to uphold the Constitution in oh-so-many ways.

He’s guilty, as charged.

Unlike the fabrications that went into the impeachments of Donald Trump, the claims against Biden are true blue. They have meat. They have merit. So expect Democrats, being Democrats as they are, to come out with arms slinging like a Beto O’Rourke and fists pumping like an angry Sen. Chuck Schumer and quickly find some impeachment stuff to throw Trump’s way. Democrats, if nothing else, are consistent; they always, always, always accuse of that which they themselves are guilty.

That means Trump Impeachment Cry Three is most likely on the horizon.

They want to distract from the very real impeachable offenses of Biden.

“It is with the highest amount of solemnity that I announce my intention to introduce articles of impeachment today on the head of this America-last executive branch, that has been working since Jan. 20, 2021 to systematically destroy this country,” Greene said, as The Hill reported.

That may be a bit understated.

But Biden has a lot of practice in destroying America. He was Vice President under Barack Obama, remember — the leading anti-America president of the century. And don’t forget his Senate years in the Democrat Party. That is to say: Biden’s got lots of experience in the ways of spreading his wickedness.

Anyhow, he’s getting called on it now.

Biden has deliberately compromised our national security by refusing to enforce immigration laws and secure our border, [he’s] allowed approximately 6 million illegals from over 160 countries to invade our country, [he’s] deprived border patrol of the necessary resources and policies sufficient to protect our country, and his administration has willfully refused to maintain operational control as required by law,” Greene said, NBC News wrote.


There’s a lot there to digest but what it amounts to is this: Biden’s violated his oath of office six ways from Sunday, as Schumer might say. He’s sworn to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” according to the presidential oath. Yet what about Section 4 of the Constitution? That’s the one that says the United States, under the leadership of the president, “shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion.” It’s there for a reason. Framers put that in for a purpose.

Biden must have missed that class.

Ben & Jerry’s must have run a special on mint chocolate chip that day.

But that doesn’t excuse his utter failure to uphold the most basic of his constitutional duties — to protect the American people.

As Greene said, Biden’s blind eyes toward the border are “endangering the security of the United States and thwarting the will of Congress” — at least, the Republicans in Congress, that is. Democrats don’t care about border control. They only care about how they can snap cleverly framed photos of illegals in chain linked cages during Republican administrations so as to score political points. As for the little kids who are being sold into sexual slavery by the cartel demons Team Biden enable? Too bad, so sad. Everybody has it tough in life. Don’t worry, be happy. Look, we’ve got a stimulus check for you! Vote Democrat.

The first article of impeachment against Biden accuses him of allowing an increase in “illegal aliens and illegal narcotics, including deadly fentanyl” into America’s streets. It also alleges his White House has “willfully violated” law by “releasing illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.”

This is just the “first round” of what Greene says is coming against Biden — and others. Also this week, she introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray for his aggressive handling of the January 6, 2021, protesters and against Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for dereliction of duty; specifically, as Greene said, for his “willful admittance of border crossers, terrorists, human traffickers, drugs and other contraband.” At the very least, Mayorkas should be a slam dunk. Seriously, Democrats, protect Wray, go ahead and shield Biden — but Mayorkas? He should have been impeached when he lied outright about the border agents who were photographed with whips. He’s a disgrace, no matter how hard you spin it.

One thing about Democrats, though. They always protect their own.

They’ve already rallied in mocking dismissal of Greene’s articles of impeachment. Their friends in the media have obligingly done the same.

Morally speaking, constitutionally speaking, though, Biden has no business being America’s president. Impeachment followed by speedy Senate conviction is what he deserves. If Democrats got what they deserved, though, the jail cells would be filled. America would be a one-party nation. The world would be a lot more peaceful and prosperous. And God-given individual liberties, as protected by the Constitution, wouldn’t be under daily assault.

Maybe that should be a bumper sticker. Save America. Impeach Joe Biden. Or, Save America. Jail the Democrats.

America’s at a crisis point and it’s only by bold moves the leftist attacks on liberties will be stopped.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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