Everyone saw how confused Joe Biden was during his campaign, and he remains so during his presidency. He has been unsure of dates, places, his title and the names of others. His leadership is destroying decades of sacrifices by our citizens, both native-born and naturalized, who have fought in and supported our wars to keep our freedoms intact and our people safe.

The question now is how President Biden is so confused without a teleprompter — yet somehow at times able to appear lively and deliver long speeches unaided? Is he receiving some sort of medical treatment or stimulant before those talks? I’m not sure how else this phenomenon can be explained. 

More disturbing, though, is that the Democrats and leftist news media knew of Mr. Biden’s mental deficiencies from the beginning and ignored them so he could serve their agenda: to make the U.S. a communist country. In this dystopia, a single party rules and the citizens, who may not bear arms, lose all of their personal and religious freedoms.


Centerville, Massachusetts

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