- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 11, 2023

The deep state forces that have infiltrated the media to peddle their socialist-slash-communist rot are working overtime.

Two hours after House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer and company dropped bombshell revelations on the American public that included outright labeling of President Biden as a liar; as a senior member of a family that “received over $10 million from foreign nations and their companies”; and as an ally more to China than to America, the headlines at major corporate-backed and mainstream media sites blared this: Republican George Santos surrendered to authorities and Donald Trump will have to pay his rape accuser $5 million, despite not being found guilty of rape.

Hear no evil. See no evil. Report no evil.

When there’s a guy in public service whose primary committee function is to investigate and hold accountable the federal government — when there’s a guy like this who finds banking curiosities that suggest “10 or 12 Biden family members” were involved in efforts to “launder or hide” monies from China and other countries — when a guy like this hosts a news conference to outline some of these alleged crimes against taxpayers, crimes against the Constitution, crimes against the security of the nation — and CNN’s breaking news headlines section blares the likes of “Santos faces 13 counts,” and “Georgia Bulldogs championship football team declines White House invitation,” and “This is the effect 4-day school week has on students’ test scores,” well then, something is wrong.

Something is very wrong. And that something wrong is called: coverup.

Somebody sent out the memo to mainstream media to stop the presses — stop the live and breaking coverage of Comer’s conference — and instead, write about Santos. Write about Trump. Write about Ukraine, Buddy Holly the Westminster Dog Show winner, or the Madrid Open. But for God’s sake, for goodness sake, for the sake of the preservation of the puppet presidency, do not at any costs write about the millions of dollars the House Oversight members say the Biden family tried to hide via funnels through 20-plus different companies, “most [of which] were limited liability companies formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency,” mostly by Hunter Biden’s business partners, Rob Walker and James Gilliar, and mostly located in Delaware and Washington, D.C., Comer said in a memo released in the lead to his press conference.

The committee’s subpoenaed four banks to see where all this money went.

And lookie here.

“Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ companies … while Joe Biden served as vice president and after he left public office. [T]he Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies [in the form of] incremental payments over time to different bank accounts.”

Here’s the national security interest: “[Chinese companies] with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Community Party hid the source of the funds by layering domestic limited liability companies,” the memo continued.

China collusion!

Apparently, the media’s moved on from collusion investigations, though.

In the aftermath of the presser, NBC News ran with this on its website: “Biden admin to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them,” and “‘He did it and you know it’: E. Jean Carroll says she confronted Trump’s lawyer after verdict.”

CBS News ran with this in its Latest News section: “E. Jean Carroll after sexual abuse verdict: ‘Donald Trump did it.’”

ABC News — with this: “George Santos live updates: Congressman in custody, indicted on 13 counts.”

MSNBC News — this: “George Santos arrested, faces 13 federal charges including fraud and money laundering.”

The Associated Press, top stories — again, Santos. That was followed by “CNN’s town hall with Trump takes on higher stakes after sexual abuse verdict”; “Rare GOP votes in Texas for gun bill after mass shootings”; “US prices stay high, showing inflation pressures persist”; and “Board banned X-rated and liquor stores from Disney property overlooking prisons.”

Fox led with Comer.

Newsmax headlined on Comer.

Other media? Blackout on Comer. Burying on Comer. CNN covered the memo, but not the conference. CNN wrote the base basics, but only for plausible deniability purposes — only to cover its bases by saying it covered the basics.

This is not the same watchdog press that hounded Trump for years over charges that barely met the standard for even rumor.

Seriously. It’s not as if Santos, Trump, inflation, Ukraine and even Buddy Holly the Westminster winner aren’t newsworthy items. It’s that Biden family corruption is, too.

There is room on the web for news outlets to cover all; there doesn’t have to be a choice between Santos and Hunter, between Trump and Biden’s China ties. There are not space constraints to consider.

The failure of major media to pay proper lip service on their news sites to the latest Oversight Committee findings as they’re presented shows a determined dig-in to cover for Team Biden. Most in the media lean left; that’s a fact. Most let their leftist leanings influence their coverage, and inappropriately so. That’s a fact, too.

If the Biden family were the Trump family, CNN’s site, hours and yes, even days after Comer’s presser, would have been filled with news of the Trump family shady business dealings, peppered with racy headlines about money laundering, sprinkled with salacious suggestions of collusions with foreign governments and topped off with righteously indignant accusations of influence peddling at the highest levels of public office.

MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and the rest would have followed suit, playing off each other by taking the headline of one and reporting it as the newest, freshest revelation to explore; unleashing their pundit dogs to tear into the latest juicy bit. Trial by social media fabricated frenzy: It’s the way the left takes down political opponents.

But this is the Biden White House.

So mum’s the word on all-things-scandalous.

Trump was quite right — Trump is still quite right — in calling out the deep state forces that have infected much of America’s media. Fake news is very often no news.

“We have bank records, we have evidence that shows that the Biden family was involved in this extensive influence peddling thing,” Comer told Greta Van Susteren on a segment of Newsmax News. “It wasn’t just the president’s son — it was the entire family. … We’re concerned about our national security and we’re wondering whether or not this president is compromised because of the millions of dollars his family’s received from our adversaries around the world.”

Yes. These are important issues to ponder.

But The New York Times would rather have it wondered, “What It’s Like to Host a Livestream Shopping Show” and The Washington Post would rather have it discussed, “MLK’s most famous criticism of Malcolm X was a ‘fraud,’ author says.”

There’s a reason Democrats, as radically anti-American as they are, still get elected these days. It’s called the media.

It’s called the deep state media.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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