Shame on Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for scaring 65 million seniors by claiming that if the federal debt ceiling isn’t raised, they may not receive their monthly Social Security checks.

Mr. Schumer should recall that when he was a member of Congress in 1996, he and his colleagues passed a law, Protection of Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds. This legislation ensures that Social Security checks will keep flowing even if the U.S. government begins defaulting on its other existing financial obligations.

The law allows Social Security and Medicare trust funds to be drawn down to continue paying benefits until the debt limit is raised. It also prevents those funds from being used to pay for any other government programs.

Uncle Sam has taken in over $2 trillion in revenue for fiscal year 2023. Rest assured that Mr. Schumer, his wife, Iris Weinshall, and millions of other seniors will still receive their Social Security checks. Perhaps Mr. Schumer needs to take a cognitive memory test so constituents can be sure he is aware of the facts. 


Great Neck, New York 

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