By Associated Press - Friday, March 31, 2023

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis is expected to be discharged on Saturday from the Rome hospital where he is being treated for bronchitis as his recovery proceeds in a “normal” way and the pontiff even had pizza for dinner, the Vatican said.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni gave the update in a written statement on Friday. But it wasn’t immediately indicated if the pontiff could make a health comeback quick enough to preside over ceremonies during Holy Week, which begins on Sunday and culminates with Easter on April 9.

Francis, 86, was hospitalized on Wednesday at Gemelli Polyclinic, where doctors said the pontiff was receiving antibiotics intravenously to treat his bronchitis.

“Yesterday went well, with a normal clinical recovery,’’ Bruni said. “In the evening (of Thursday), Pope Francis had dinner, eating a pizza, together with all those who are assisting him in these days of the hospital stay,” the spokesman said, including doctors, nurses, assistants and Vatican security personnel.

On Friday morning, the pope read newspapers and resumed his work after breakfast.

The pontiff’s return to the Vatican hotel where he lives “is expected for tomorrow, as a result of the last tests of this morning,’’ Bruni said.

The medical staff decided to hospitalize him on Wednesday after he returned to his Vatican residence following his customary weekly public audience in St. Peter’s Square. The Vatican reported he had experienced difficulty breathing in the previous days.

Bruni on Thursday evening said that antibiotic treatment for bronchitis had resulted in a “marked” improvement in his health.

The hospitalization came four days before Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week.

Francis had already largely stopped celebrating Mass at major Catholic Church holy days because of a chronic knee problem, but had continued to preside at the ceremonies and deliver homilies.

Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re said Friday that Francis would be able to preside over — but not celebrate — Holy Week ceremonies.

The Holy Week appointments include a stamina-taxing, late-night Way of the Cross procession marked by prayers on Good Friday at the Colosseum in Rome and Easter Mass on April 9, which is traditionally followed by a long papal speech delivered from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

During Wednesday’s hourlong public audience, Francis at times appeared visibly in pain when he moved about and was helped by aides.

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