Never before in our country’s history have never been in such a dangerous, precarious situation.

Can we survive the Biden administration before we get a new president in office? Our next election is Nov. 5, 2024. That may be too long to wait.

Our greatest threat is China, with Russia as its ally. Then there are other dangerous countries, including Iran and North Korea. We are headed toward World War III in a very weakened condition.

The recent China spy balloon gave Beijing the final information it needed to go ahead. Forbes magazine and other sources have reported that China has high-speed missiles with super pulse electromagnetic weapons capable of melting our entire electrical grid, shutting down power and communications. This would threaten our very survival. 

Geopolitically, few nations, friend or foe, respect us anymore, and that hurts us greatly under the China threat.

In the meantime, we have major domestic turmoil. We’re being invaded at our borders, we have rampant crime in our cities, Chinese fentanyl killing tens of thousands of Americans, prosecutors are being “bought” to put serious criminals back on the streets and our children’s minds are being poisoned by a “woke,” failing educational system. What’s more, our economy is weak, with high inflation, a $31 trillion debt and a $5 trillion budget we cannot afford. 

We are in nothing short of a race against time to vote out the Biden administration out and get a good leader in the Oval Office. We are a once-great nation.

May God help us become great once more.


Chicopee, Massachusetts

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