- Friday, March 10, 2023

Last week while in New York City, I had the privilege of visiting some of the largest conservative media outlets in the world. The size, scope and complexity of these operations are mind-boggling. They compete every day with mainstream media to deliver top-quality, timely news to millions of Americans — and they do an amazing job.  

As the founder of Coign, a company that offers credit cards for conservatives, I got a shot of CEO adrenaline visiting these patriots who have built successful businesses that compete directly with liberal corporate America.  

Reflecting on their track records of success, I think conservatives need to change how we think and have the confidence to fully back conservative media. To that end, I would propose that the Republican National Committee conduct the coming presidential primary debates exclusively with conservative media.  

In addition to the clout, respect and economics that would benefit conservative media, I have another motive. In the conservative ecosystem, conservative businesses are a new and growing part of the movement. Mission-driven businesses like mine want to be proud partners of these debates and feel comfortable sharing the stage with our media partners.  

The 2015-2016 presidential debates were monster-rating hits for the mainstream media. The New York Times reported that the first Republican debate drew a “staggering 23.9 million viewers, making it the highest-rated presidential primary debate ever. … It became the ninth-most-viewed cable program.” The second Republican debate, hosted by CNN at the Ronald Reagan Library, had an average of 22.9 million viewers that, set a record for the biggest audience in CNN’s history.

Republican presidential debates are big business, but who do they really benefit?  

The mainstream media has a liberal bias. They are more interested in pushing their own agenda than reporting the news fairly and impartially. In recent years, this bias has only gotten worse.

By partnering with conservative outlets, the RNC can ensure that candidates are asked tough questions that conservative primary voters care about. Questions about the economy, education and security. These are the issues that matter most to the American people, and conservative media excels at driving the national discussion. Furthermore, by hosting debates with only conservative media, the RNC can support the values that our party holds dear.

I know some of our candidates can be a little rambunctious at debates, and the RNC rightfully wants to produce world-class events. But look around: Turning Point USA frequently hosts large complex events, often on college campuses. DailyWire launches successful businesses … daily. Rumble has over 80 million users, and The First just got added to DirectTV. Freespoke can handle the search, and who doesn’t want to watch the debate recap hosted by the Babylon Bee? This just scratches the surface of the talent in the conservative media.

Our customers have chosen Coign because they want to align their commerce with their values. I know our customers will be ecstatic to have their credit card company host a debate party or even possibly sponsor a debate that is hosted by the same conservative media they watch and read on a daily basis.  

Conservatives are increasingly looking to support businesses that share their values. Presidential debates are the conservative ecosystem’s World Cup or Winter Olympics — rare convocations of our customers and investors looking for candidates and companies that share their beliefs. Conservative media partners will fuel the customer enthusiasm and trust we depend on in our fight with America’s woke corporate Goliaths. The opposite is also true.      

The RNC will also emerge as an innovative winner with this change. They can invest in more ideologically aligned partnerships, negotiating with fellow travelers, not enemies. These expanded opportunities will help the RNC engage more activists, raise more money, and tap into younger audiences. Finally, investing in conservative media and businesses will lead to a stronger conservative movement that aligns beautifully with the RNC’s mission.  

In 2023, conservative media has the size, reach and technological know-how to produce amazing, record-setting presidential debates — sponsored by a multitude of conservative businesses. Hosting debates exclusively with conservative media benefits our candidates, media, businesses and the RNC. It’s a win-win opportunity that all should be willing to embrace.

• Rob Collins is the CEO of Coign, a credit card company for conservatives. He previously worked at the RNC.  

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