- Friday, June 9, 2023

The growing revolt in America against cultural madness is annoying the ruling elites, but not enough to keep them from continuing to foist their evil agenda brazenly on the rest of us.

The criminalization of political opposition continues apace. The Justice Department actually indicted former President Donald Trump on Thursday over documents stored at his house. But not President Biden for essentially the same offense. Meanwhile, as evidence pours out of congressional investigations about millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and other nations flowing into the Biden family’s 20 different accounts, the elite media yawn.

Parents are fed up with schools that indoctrinate their children. So the Southern Poverty Law Center, an elitist group that smears conservatives, has just added a dozen parental rights groups, including Moms for Liberty, to its “hate” list under “antigovernment extremist groups.”

A solid majority of Americans want the border secured. Tough beans, the elites say. Five million illegals in the last two years? Keep ’em coming.

By a large margin, Americans of all races and ethnicities favor voter ID laws to enhance election integrity. The elites say this is racist and “voter suppression.”

Speaking of racism, some Democrats are pushing hard for reparations to Blacks from White, Hispanic and Asian Americans over slavery and Jim Crow. Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri has proposed a national plan that would cost taxpayers $14 trillion. Really. In San Francisco, they are talking about payments of up to $5 million per slave descendant. The elites think this may be a bit much, but on the bright side, it should keep inflaming racial animosity.

The ruling elites not only don’t care what average Americans think but seem determined to stick it to them in every way possible. They see any resistance as a bump in the road.

Amid a ruinous boycott costing it billions over the company’s embrace of transgenderism, Bud Light is doubling down. The beer brand just announced that it will donate $200,000 to the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce for the second straight year. 

Target, which is losing billions celebrating Pride month by selling LGBTQ-themed clothing for adults and children designed by a satanist, pulled back some displays but is still kowtowing to the alphabet mafia, as is nearly all of corporate America.

It’s hard to get away from the nonsense, even in Dear Abby columns. “Mortified in Texas” asked Abby for advice because “My husband started wearing girls’ frilly socks and pink nail polish — the pinker the better. When we go out in public, he has to show off his nails to everyone.” 

Abby offers this observation: “Could this be your husband’s bid for attention or a way of announcing that he has a proclivity for cross-dressing? If it’s the latter, please understand that it doesn’t make him any different than the person you have known for the last 33 years.” 

Back in Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district, a man identifying as a woman won the Miss San Francisco beauty contest and will compete for the title of Miss California. 

CBS affiliate KPIX noted that it was the first time in 99 years that a “transgender woman” won the title. 

The pageant winner likes to read “Sparkle Boy” to elementary school children. “Later this summer,” KPIX reports, “she will represent San Francisco and compete for the title of Miss California. But in the eyes [of] 4th grader Camila Soberanis, she’s already won. 

“‘It was beautiful, ’cause I didn’t care if she was a boy or a girl. It was just like … normal,’ said Soberanis.”

Precisely. No grooming here, right? By the way, journalists traditionally identify a child by the first name on the second reference. This respects innocence.

Lately, however, children are being identified by their last names, just like adults. Important age-based distinctions are being eroded. We might want to ask why.

Elite, professional guilds went “woke” years ago and are getting worse. The American Academy of Pediatrics, which should consider changing its name to the American Academy Against Health and Normalcy, has come out “strongly” opposed to state laws protecting children from being given puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and other “gender-affirming care.” 

A Washington Post-KFF survey shows most Americans oppose such “care.” At least 18 states so far have banned these forms of child abuse, the latest and biggest being Texas on June 2. 

In Florida, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle blocked a similar recent law, saying the plaintiffs’ minor children would “suffer irreparable harm” if they were denied treatments — the polar opposite of reality. Drugs and hormones can cause permanent damage, as do castration and breast removal. 

The ruling elites’ aggressive designs on children are adding up to a full-blown parents revolt all over the country, even in North Hollywood, California. Protesting a “Pride day” celebration on June 2 at an elementary school, dozens of parents in “Leave Our Kids Alone” shirts carried signs saying, “Stop Sexualizing Our Kids.”

The elites assume they can keep wrecking the country and corrupting children without lasting consequences to their hegemony.

“Any resistance will blow over, like it always does,” they scoff.

Maybe they’re right. Or maybe we’re witnessing the birth of a cultural and political earthquake that will rock the marketplace and the ballot box. 

They shouldn’t have indicted Mr. Trump.

And they really shouldn’t have gone after the children.

• Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His website is roberthknight.com.

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