- The Washington Times - Friday, June 9, 2023

“All rise” calls the court to order, but Americans should not stand to honor what passes for “justice” in the fresh prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

The indictment of Mr. Trump by his political enemies in the Democratic Party reveals a level of lawlessness that no explanation can validate. As determined as Washington’s governing elites are to shield their power, the people whom they serve are now called to demonstrate matching grit in annunciating the hijacking of justice has gone too far.

President Biden’s Department of Justice has ordered the arrest and appearance of Mr. Trump on Tuesday in federal court in Miami.

There can be no mistake that the move is meant to take out Mr. Biden’s most potent rival in the 2024 presidential election.

Mr. Trump has reportedly been indicted on seven counts involving a violation of the Espionage Act related to his retention of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida after he left office. The post-presidency possession of classified material — a common occurrence until now — is Democrats’ most recent cudgel for beating back Mr. Trump’s attempt to reenter the White House.

The Trump indictment coincided with the very day that FBI Director Christopher Wray surrendered to Republican lawmakers — under threat of contempt of Congress — a whistleblower statement alleging knowledge of a bribery scheme meant to net Mr. Biden $5 million while he was vice president.

No one would regard the timing as coincidental but a naif so utterly clueless as to notice no connection between the end of the night and the sunrise in the morning.

Summing up the juxtaposition of injustice, former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker told Fox News on Friday, “This proves there is not equal justice under the law.”

The particulars of the double standard are breathtaking. In recent months, it has been discovered that Mr. Biden secreted boxes of political records, including classified material, at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, his home in Wilmington, Delaware, and the office of one of his attorneys in Boston. In addition, nearly 2,000 boxes of Biden documents stored at the University of Delaware have been declared off-limits for inspection.

In contrast to the authority Mr. Trump acquired as president, any failure on Mr. Biden’s part to relinquish classified documents he possessed following his tenure as a senator and vice president would have violated the law. Where is a matching Biden indictment? Likely it is lodged where lost socks are never found.

The federal indictment generated by special counsel Jack Smith is simply the latest act in a seven-year campaign to halt Mr. Trump’s efforts to disrupt the inner workings of the permanent state. It is of a piece with the FBI’s unwarranted Trump-Russia collusion inquiry and Democrats’ twin Trump impeachment failures, which nonetheless wounded the Trump presidency; the agency’s underhanded Hunter Biden laptop cover-up, which shielded his father’s 2020 presidential run from ballot-box blowback; and the Justice Department’s cynical exoneration of Hillary Clinton, which held her untouchable for well-documented mishandling of classified information.

The Trump indictment confirms Democrats have commandeered the legal system. As Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican, tweeted: “If the president in power can jail his political opponents, which is what Joe Biden is trying to do tonight, we don’t have a republic anymore.”

His view should be echoed in a nationwide crescendo.

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