- The Washington Times - Friday, June 30, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6-3 ruling, said Joe Biden cannot use his presidential position to unilaterally declare college students don’t have to pay back their loans — and in so doing, saving taxpayers an estimated $400 billion.

America has just been saved from a massive redistribution of wealth, steal from Peter to pay Paul, socialist political payoff.

But that’s just one of a slate of saving graces this court has granted in its recent rulings.

At the same time as releasing the decision on student loan forgiveness, the justices also ruled, 6-3 once again, that a Christian web designer does indeed have the right to refuse service to same-sex couples seeking to wed.

Once again, this was a court fight hailing from Colorado, the state where, years ago, the Christian cake baker was forced to travel the same High Court route in order to win his battle for religious freedom over a same-sex couple who demanded his services. What is it about the liberals in Colorado and religious rights?

“The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands,” wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch, dismissing the idea that Colorado’s public accommodations law, barring discrimination based on sex — in essence, trying to put sexual choice in the same protected category as skin color — could not supersede human rights underscored in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Another save from socialist-slash-Marxist attempts to destroy America by destroying the free market; destroying definition of family; destroying the concept of God-given rights; and destroying religious liberties.

Then there was the court’s shuttering of affirmative action.

“The Supreme Court says colleges and universities can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for granting admission,” CNN wrote.

Then there was the court’s affirmation of religious rights regarding employer-employee relations — specifically, that employers must meet a higher level of standards if they want to deny employees’ requests for religious-based accommodations.

Then there was the court’s smackdown of the Environmental Protection Agency’s power grab to regulate wetlands the same way it does other bodies under the Clean Water Act — resulting in a massive win against the control-hungry, leftist-leaning, communist-minded climate change crowd.

Not all the recent cases were decided on the side of freedom; on the side of conservatives.

But enough were that America’s dodged some very big collectivist bullets.

Now come the ramped up attacks on the justices themselves.

On the failure of Team Biden to win the student loan forgiveness battle — which breaks political promises to all the younger, socialist-loving students who voted for Biden based in large part on this give-away — Sen. Chuck Schumer tweeted: “As justices accept lavish, six-figure gifts, they don’t dare to help Americans saddled with student loan debt, instating siding with the powerful, big-monied interests.”

This is politics of mud-slingers; all vicious, all spin, all aimed at the lower information or no-information voters who care nothing about the country, except what the country’s working, tax-paying people can give them.

Let the left eat their sour grapes.

Democrats always hate what they can’t control, and these rulings slap back their ability to control

But these high court’s recent rulings are giving America a hope for her future. And it’s a hope that has a ring of freedom to it — all coming coincidentally in the lead-up to Independence Day. Happy Fourth, America. This year, there is much to celebrate.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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