- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 28, 2023

President Biden’s Department of Education released guidance to schools on how best to handle the exploding LGBTQ agenda and, in short, it went like this: Bend over backwards to accommodate any wish, will and whim from this psychologically disturbed community, and perpetuate the lie it’s not filled with the psychologically disturbed.

It’s an all-out attack on common sense and commonly held principles and virtues. And it sends a clear message to parents around the nation to a) get their kids out of public schools, but quick and b) see “a” — and hurry.

The 15-page booklet is called “U.S. Department of Education Toolkit: Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students.” Among its many bullet-pointed recommendations are calls for the creation of “Gender and Sexuality Alliance” groups in schools, “facilitating opportunities for students to find support from peers, teachers and staff” — that is to say, clubs where the LGBTQ kids go to get their daily dose of enabling — and the institution of professional training courses for staff and administrators to learn how to support these “underserved” LGBTQ youth. 

On that second one, the Education Department’s guide helpfully asks, “Did you know? According to the CDC, conducting professional development with school staff is a best practice for improving the health, safety and school connectedness for LGBTQI+ youth. The CDC provides free [training guides, including] a page of key terms and concepts related to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression that may be a helpful resource for schools.”

This is what Team Biden is doing: It’s pushing the LGBTQ agenda so deep into the public school systems that no kid will emerge mentally intact. 

The Education Department is putting front and center sex, sex, sex over math, English, reading and writing, and training even the youngest of children to think of themselves first and foremost as creations of self — of ever-changing, morphing, genderless. Johnny wants to be a Janie? Indeed! Biden’s schools will not only support that change; they’ll promote it.

The ed feds are only recommending adoption of these pro-LGBTQ actions in the school. But recommendations from feds are more often than not tied to funding; besides, the very first page of this toolkit, the Table of Contents, points to included sections of the Community Relations Service and the Hate Crimes Threat Guide of the Justice Department and the FBI. Talk about not-so-veiled intimidation tactics. Message received: Play or pay the consequences.

Indoctrinating youth has been a longtime fun strategy of the left — because why wage open war on an ideology, when you can just brainwash the next generation to destroy it? But this toolkit goes above and beyond indoctrination.

It’s evil, at the hands of America’s own government.

If Christians wanted to start clubs at school for Bible study, and push staff and administrators to partake in training so as to learn the proper and inoffensive ways of relating to religious youth, teachers’ unions, federal bureaucrats, Democrats, Team Biden and the entire departments of Justice, Health and Human Services and Education would rise up, rally their troops and cry foul, and sue, sue, sue for separation of church and state.

But lying to children and telling boys they can be girls, and girls they can become a “they” instead of a “she” is allowed? Supported? Promoted?

The LGBTQ community is fueled by mental instability and seriously damaged individuals. And this is what Biden’s band of merry educators want to advance, want to normalize.

Public schools are a disaster and the only solution is to pull out the children and flee.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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