- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A new survey from Rasmussen Reports found that 47% of likely American voters “don’t think [Dr. Anthony] Fauci has told the truth” about gain-of-function virus funding, versus 39% who do. 

Liar, liar, pants on fire Fauci.

“COVID Cover-Up: Did Dr. Fauci Lie?” Rasmussen asked in a headline.

And the answer was this: “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Fauci has told the truth about U.S. government funding for gain-of-function virus research, while 47% don’t think Fauci has told the truth. Another 15 % are not sure.”

Fauci certainly has a reputation for stretching truths.

The 15% who are not sure, along with the 39% who still stand firm within his fan base, don’t pay attention to the news.

“Forgetful Fauci’s Deposition: All Those Lies Are Hard to Keep Straight,” the American Institute for Economic Research wrote in December 2022.

Fauci lied about face masks. He lied about lockdowns. He lied about COVID shots — both efficacy and safety. He lied about science, even as he declared himself the king of science. He lied about his knowledge of former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins’ takedown of the Great Barrington Declaration — the document from hundreds of thousands of epidemiologists and public health scientists expressing “grave concern” about Fauci-backed, government-backed, government-mandated COVID-19 policies-slash-dictates.

When the GBD hit the scene, bureaucrats swung into fast propaganda mode.

“In early October of 2020, Dr. Francis Collins … ordered Fauci and his trusted lieutenant Clifford Lane to wage ‘a quick and devastating published take down (sic)’ of the Great Barrington Declaration’s premises,” AIER wrote, of uncovered emails that revealed Fauci, despite public statements to the contrary, did in fact understand Collins’ message as a call for attack.

“Fauci pleaded innocence, suggesting that Collins was ‘likely talking about writing a scholarly article to contest some of the premises’ of the GBD,” AIER wrote.

But he lied.

“The problem with Fauci’s denials, and his speculation about an academic motive in Collins’ order, is that they are provably false,” AIER wrote. “The original emails … show that Fauci and Collins jumped into action to smear and discredit the GBD in the media. They went directly to the national press, labeling its authors, Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya as ‘fringe epidemiologist,’ and branding the Declaration itself as ‘nonsense,’ in Fauci’s words.”

The fact fawners in America still call out Fauci as a voice of virus reason — as a hero of the COVID crisis — as a trusted medical source whose retirement was a sad day for the health world — is astonishing, given the sheer number of reports that show how he deceived the people and spun the science, daily; sometimes, by the minute, as he hopped on one news show and said this, then hopped on another news show and said that.

His gain-of-function funding lies were epic, though.

“In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan,” Vanity Fair wrote in an October 2021, headline. Beneath — was this: “A spokesman for Dr. Fauci says he has been ‘entirely truthful,’ but a new letter belatedly acknowledging the National Institutes of Health’s support for virus-enhancing research adds more heat to the ongoing debate over whether a lab leak could have sparked the pandemic.”

What a nice way of saying what could be summed much more concisely as: Fauci lied.

Perhaps the better method of fact-checking Fauci on his years of COVID policy influences and so-called science-based recommendations would be to start with this question: How do you know if Dr. Fauci is lying? And the answer; the premise of all that would follow: If his mouth is moving — he’s lying.

That would surely cut through the clutter and clarify.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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