- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 6, 2023

The news cycle is filled with headlines about the “hottest day ever recorded,” and the “Earth’s hottest day,” and the “Earth sees third straight hottest day on record” — and so forth, and so on, and so we go. Make way for the spontaneous combustion of earth and with it, all of humanity, right?

Not so fast. Pay your mortgage and don’t blow off the car payment. The hysteria is based on lies.

From CBS News, this headline: “Earth sees third straight hottest day on record, though it’s unofficial: ‘Brutally hot.’”

Though it’s unofficial; there’s an interesting turn of phrase. It means the data is questionable. It means the numbers haven’t been verified. It means this whole hyped climate narrative about the hottest days on record is really just that — hype.

Even the stories themselves admit that. Just read.

CBS’ own leading paragraph goes like this: “Earth’s average temperature remained at a record high Wednesday after two days in which the planet reached unofficial records.” 

Unofficial records. That is to say unverified, unconfirmed, unscientific, unproven, unreliable. Untrue.

The narrative is that the average global temperature was 62.9 degrees, and that’s the hottest the earth has ever recorded and that is therefore “the latest marker in a series of climate-change driven extremes,” CBS wrote. 

But is it? Is it really?

First off, we’re talking global temperatures. The University of Maine has this thing called the “climate reanalyzer,” which is supposedly this science-based means of measuring the world’s condition, including weather and temperature, using satellite data and computer simulations.

Computer simulations are only as accurate as the data that’s fed them. For instance, computer simulations can be fed numbers that spit out findings that certain coronaviruses will lead to millions and millions of deaths, unless the entire world shuts down and citizens stay in their homes, off the streets, out of schools and most certainly, away from churches.

Remember this?

“[Dr. Anthony] Fauci Estimates That 100,000 To 200,000 Americans Could Die From The Coronavirus,” NPR wrote in March of 2020, citing the doctor’s reliance on computer modeling to arrive at those figures.

A few weeks later, it was this, also from NPR: “Fauci Says U.S. Coronavirus Deaths May Be ‘More Like 60,000,’” the headline blared in April 2020.

He didn’t know.

He couldn’t predict.

Computer modeling is basically a guess based on numbers.

It gives scientists a way of advancing a narrative without having to ultimately be accountable for any outcomes or actions that are generated from that narrative — because they can always blame the numbers. Or, they can point to actions taken after the first set of numbers are announced as cause for the wide discrepancy in the second set of numbers. That’s what Fauci did.

When his predictions of death due to COVID dropped from 100,000-to-200,000 and then to 60,000 within the span of a few weeks, Fauci said it was because Americans embraced social distancing and other government orders and recommendations and dictates. He said it was because Americans did what they were told.

As weeks turn into months into years, and data is updated in nonstop media coverage — which is fueled by the catcalls of emergency! Emergency! Emergency! — few stop to ask, hey, what about context; hey, what about those debunked reports; hey, what about common sense. The lines between truth and lie turn bleary, until truth is half-truth, is partial truth, is truth absent context, is outright lie. By then, nobody cares but the deemed “conspiracy theorists.” And even when the conspiracy theories are shown to be truths, by then, few care; the media have latched on to the next hysteria to promote and push.

That’s how COVID sold a bill of bogus goods, to include shots, masks, shutdowns and total loss of civil liberties.

This is the path of climate alarmism as well.

And it’s happening now, with these latest stupid headlines and news stories and supposedly scientific findings of earth-shattering, mind-blowing, devastating, record-breaking hot temperatures. Sixty-two-point-nine degrees actually sounds an ideal temperature; not too hot, not too cool. And coming as it does in summer — in the summer months — in the time of the year when it’s naturally hottest — 62.9 degrees sounds especially ideal.

But in the world of climate alarmists, it’s too hot, so hot, in fact, that action must be immediately taken.

“Scientists have warned for months that 2023 could see record heat as human-caused climate change, driven largely by the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil, warmed the atmosphere,” CBS wrote.

Stop driving. Stop flying. Stop all coal-fired plants from operating. Stop thinking.

“University of Maine climate scientist Sean Birkle, creator of the Climate Reanalyzer, said the daily figures are unofficial but a useful snapshot of what’s happening in a warming world,” CBS wrote.

“While the figures are not an official government record,” CBS wrote.

“Even though the dataset used for the unofficial record goes back only to 1979,” CBS wrote.

How many more red flags of the utter deceptions that feed this climate alarmism nonsense have to be raised before scientists and media become so ashamed of their lies that they stop?

Unofficial figures are meaningless.

Global records that only go back as far as 1979 are meaningless.

And if Americans and all citizens around the globe don’t watch out, the same liars and deceivers and evil forces who used a virus to stop the wheels of the world from turning will now use this climate lie to do it again. The World Economic Forum types have already stated their intent to take the coronavirus controls they were able to exert and segue into climate controls.

“U.K. Official Says Lockdowns Will Return,” Breitbart wrote in a headline.

The story went on to say that an advisor to the government, professor David Halpern, said due to COVID mitigation efforts, people have been trained to obey and will therefore speedily comply with political will in the face of any future threat.

“Britain drilled to accept lockdown in future pandemics, says ‘nudge unit’ chief,” The Telegraph wrote. “Professor David Halpern predicts the population would comply with another lockdown because they ‘know what the drill is.’”

Americans would, too, if they don’t see the lies that are being told right now about this so-called “hottest day on record.” From coronavirus lockdowns to climate lockdowns: it’s a certainty that message will come.

From the WEF in September of 2020: “Emissions fell during lockdown. Let’s keep it that way.”

The writing on the wall doesn’t get clearer than that.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

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