- The Washington Times - Monday, July 31, 2023

Late on a Friday afternoon, in the baking heat of summer, on the eve of a 10-day vacation at the beach, President Biden finally acknowledged his granddaughter that he and his wife have feverishly erased for the first four years of the child’s life.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” the White House said in a formal statement, released at 5:03 p.m. last Friday.

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

Nothing says “I love you” like a press release. And really, they were just concerned about the little girl’s “privacy.”

A daughter’s most important relationship is with her father. And by extension, her grandfather. From him she learns the boundaries of decency and builds faith in relationships. He teaches her how to trust that which is good and recognize that which is degenerate.

Growing up fatherless is one of the hardest things a little girl must overcome. But far worse would be to have a Biden man as your father — or grandfather.

As men go, the Biden clan are unique degenerates.

They are wife-stealing philanderers. They take their brother’s grieving widow to bed. They turn their own daughter into a self-described sex addict by showering with her. They put their whore-loving, crackhead son in charge of the family’s international influence-peddling scheme so that he goes spiraling into the oblivion of debauchery — and records every minute of it.

Then leaves all the evidence of his debauchery on his laptop left to be found at the computer repair shop he stiffed.

Last week, a Republican congresswoman decided to announce at a prayer breakfast in Washington how she heroically declined morning sex with her boyfriend so she could get to breakfast in time to tell everyone about it. Creepy, indeed. But at least she had enough shame left in the tank to recognize right away that she had shared “TMI” — “too much information.”

Not so the Bidens. President Biden openly fantasizes about having relations with younger women. He unapologetically sniffs them and chomps at the faces of terrified little girls. And if that were not enough, he reminisces wistfully about hearing his parents having sex through thin walls as a child.

We might be tempted to call the Bidens a family of pervy sex-pests — but that sounds too endearing for these people. Biden men are self-loving, degenerate creeps. And exhibitionist creeps at that.

The Bidens are a family of leeches, thieves and liars — making a fortune on the public dole their entire lives.

You would let former President Bill Clinton chaperone a sleepover pool party with your teenage daughter and her 10 best friends before you would let any of these Biden creeps clean the gutters on your house.

You would let former House Speaker Dennis Hastert coach your son’s high school wrestling team before you would let any creep in the Biden family unclog your toilets. With Biden men rifling through your sewage, you couldn’t be sure they weren’t looking for souvenirs.

You would let former Rep. Anthony Weiner be pen pals with your child at summer camp before you would let these people walk your dogs. The Bidens are the kind of sickos you would not allow around your pets — even under supervision.

And yet for some reason, the media shamelessly covers for them and all their degenerate behavior.

As one shrewd internet wag said on the website formerly known as Twitter, “There’s not a five-figure-an-hour prostitute on the planet that [serviced Hunter Biden] more enthusiastically than the American mainstream media.”

He was referring in particular to a USA Today article lamenting how Republicans were exploiting Hunter Biden’s “foibles” in a cynical effort “to slime the president.”

Ah, yes. Refusing to accept responsibility for your own child and financially abandoning the woman who gave birth to her.

“Foibles.” Oh, and it’s Republicans who are to blame.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor for the Washington Times.

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