The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has gathered and disclosed incontrovertible evidence that foreign entities — including high-level figures in the Chinese Communist Party — have funneled multimillion-dollar payments into Biden family accounts (“Inside Biden deals: Business cohort jilted by Bidens after federal bust ready to testify to Congress,” web, July 29).

That the mainstream news outlets and the Democratic Party ignore the dangerous ramifications of these financial transactions speaks to the rot permeating American journalism and the abandonment of the American people by the Democratic Party. 

Putting aside for the moment the illegality of such financial transactions (i.e., whether these payments violated existing law or constituted a pattern of racketeering by the Biden family), all Americans should be horrified that their president accepted huge sums of money from foreign entities with interests antithetical to our own. 

This president owes the American people a thorough accounting of these foreign payments, including substantive explanations for each and what the payer expected in return.

This accounting needs to occur during an unscripted press conference during which the president answers any and all questions necessary to assuage the American people’s worst fears.

If President Biden fails or is unable to conduct an unscripted and forthcoming press conference or fails to assuage our fears, the House should begin impeachment proceedings immediately.


Abingdon, Maryland

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