I passionately commend Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for his brave decision to install buoys and barbed wire in the Rio Grande by Eagle Pass (“Texas is using disaster declarations to install buoys and razor wire on the US-Mexico border,” web, July 24).

In the face of the federal government’s failure to fulfill its constitutional duty to regulate immigration, this Republican governor was left with no choice but to secure our southern border on his own.

The 1,000-foot floating barrier serves as a physical showing of opposition to President Biden’s treasonous negligence of his oath and cynical allowance of millions of illegal aliens to permanently change the American electorate against our will.

Once upon a time, the Democratic Party supported immigration quotas in defense of union growth, but today the wild-eyed squad of Democratic socialists is attempting to create a globalist system void of national identity, culture and borders.

These university-trained Marxists characterize the Rio Grande as an international passage rather than a gateway to our grand American republic.

Make no mistake: The American people are innocent victims of a planned invasion.

We must fortify our front line of freedom and protect our citizens against thousands of military-aged Chinese nationals, violent criminals from the Northern Triangle region and the influx of fentanyl intended to poison us.

Like his efforts to bribe first-time voters with student debt forgiveness, the president’s conscious and craven apathy concerning our southern border is another example of his lazy, evil leadership and deliberate corruption of American communities.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s corrupt Department of Justice will repeatedly declare lawfare upon Republican policies that champion the rule of law.

I encourage Mr. Abbott to stay strong and know the country stands shoulder to shoulder alongside his valiant efforts to preserve our sovereignty.



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