- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Congressional Democrats are proposing to switch out “he” and “she” in U.S. legal code for gender-neutral terms because, they say, “words matter.”

Actually, they’re proposing it because they’re stupid and evil and want nothing more than to tear down traditional family structure in America.

Here’s the release from Pennsylvania’s Rep. Summer Lee and “Equity in Our Laws Act” congressional cohorts, Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Robert Garcia, from Massachusetts and California, respectively: This legislation “would enshrine gender equity in the US legal code by replacing masculine generics with gender neutral language.”


“[T]his key change would make the U.S. Code more inclusive to members of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially gender-nonconforming, nonbinary and intersex individuals,” the release continues.

And it’s not a new idea.

Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin state entities have already pushed for similarly stupid acts.

“Words matter,” Lee said.

Yes. They do. That’s why words like “he” and “she” exist — so as to signify “male” versus “female.” That’s not racist; that’s not discriminatory. That’s clarity and specificity.

Democrats always seek to cloud and convolute, though. It makes it easier for them to destroy than conquer.

“Words matter — especially the words that form the foundations of our country’s rule of law,” Lee said. “It’s not shocking that, for generations, the US code intentionally wrote out women, black, brown, queer and marginalized folks. What is shocking is that today, equality is enshrined into neither our laws nor our Constitution — meaning neither our laws nor our constitution protects all people.”

The U.S. code’s “sexist,” she said.

It “stereotypes,” she said.

It advances “discrimination,” she said.

Pressley, not to be outdone, weighed in with her own stupidity.

“At a time where gender equality has yet to be enshrined and recognized in our constitution, it is crucial we take every step necessary to codify dignity, humanity and equality for all our laws — and that includes the language we use,” she said

Has she not read the Constitution? The Civil Rights Act? Anything other than Marxist doctrines?

Democrats are coming for America’s families — for America’s children — for America’s foundations. Creating a country filled with people who cannot even differentiate between male and female, and who point fingers of discrimination, racism and intolerance at every turn, ultimately making God’s creations and laws into the stuff of mockery and confusion, is a purposeful intent of wicked politicians who want to advance personal ambitions and communist ideals.

The legislation would require the Office of Law Revision Counsel to remove such verbiage as “he” and “fireman” and replace it with “the Secretary” and “firefighter.”

Doing so would help keep the legal code from “silencing women and folks who are a significant part of our diverse community,” Garcia said. 

God help us.

Words do matter.

So here are some with meaning: Democrats are all that’s wrong with America. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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