- Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dear Dr. E: I have noticed recently that many Christian colleges have joined their secular counterparts in touting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The inference seems to be that DEI is a natural outcome of the Gospel and should be embraced enthusiastically by the Church. Can you comment on this? Something seems odd here, but I just can’t seem to put my finger on it. - Concerned Brother from Fly-Over Country

Dear Concerned: You are right to be suspicious. There are many reasons the Church should refute the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda (DEI). Frankly, I’d argue DEI is the antithesis of the Gospel for the following reasons.

First, DEI is driven by dividing rather than uniting people. Its entire agenda is grounded in us against them, you against me, blacks against whites, the 99 percent against the one. It is textbook balkanization. Its goal is a divided states rather than the United States. In the world of DEI, higher education should be called a “diversity” rather than a university. DEI is grounded in class conflict. It is driven by Marxism and Critical Theory, not the Gospel of Christ. 

Second, DEI is predicated on blame. It’s always your fault rather than mine. Proponents of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion always look out the window rather than in the mirror. DEI is a worldview that points fingers rather than accepts responsibility.

Third, DEI is racist, pure and simple. It categorizes people by the color of their skin. It judges by appearance rather than character. It is the opposite of Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. It is Karl Marx’s nightmare. It is the opposite of the Bible. Contrary to the Apostle Paul’s teaching, DEI encourages the “eye to say to the hand, I have no need of thee.” Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a worldview that cuts off its nose to spite its face.

Fourth, DEI overtly disparages equality. It, in fact, says, “All men are not created equal.” Equal opportunity is just an argument for white privilege. Equality is not the goal. A level playing field is not what the champions of DEI want. Equity means redistributing power and wealth from the top down. It means tilting the field so someone runs uphill the entire game. Equity is the antithesis of equality. It teaches children that if they fail, it’s someone else’s fault rather than their own. 

Fifth, DEI disparages competition and personal achievement. Excellence is sacrificed for the average. When no one loses, there are no winners. DEI is adolescent and juvenile. It’s the ultimate participation trophy.

Sixth, DEI explicitly breaks one of the Ten Commandments. By elevating diversity, equity, and inclusion over unity, equality, and responsibility DEI creates a world where coveting is good. The message of DEI is, “I want what you have. Give it to me.” No matter how you slice it, the Bible says this is wrong.

Finally, at its core DEI is about denial. It denies science, denies reality, and denies sin. DEI is driven by feelings rather than facts. If I feel like I’m a woman, I am. If I feel like you’re a bigot, you are. If I feel like the earth is dying, it is. If I feel like mask works, they do. Feelings always trump facts. You triggered me. You offended me. You made me uncomfortable. You need sensitivity training. You should be excluded because you’re not inclusive. You can’t be tolerated because of your intolerance. DEI denies logic and denies common sense.

It is the ultimate Orwellian spin. The Ministry of Inclusion has a long list of those who must be excluded because Big Brother said so. For all these reasons and dozens more, DEI is not the Gospel. It is philosophical, ontological, and sociological garbage, and it should be thrown out and trampled underfoot by all who claim to be part of the Body of Christ.

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