- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The top lawyers in the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware, one of them a Democratic donor, appeared to work in tandem to thwart an investigation into claims that President Biden and his son Hunter collected a $10 million bribe while Mr. Biden was serving as vice president.

House lawmakers will interview U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was in charge of investigating Hunter Biden for unpaid taxes and lying on a firearm background check form. Mr. Weiss has agreed to testify at a public hearing about the case later this year after criticism and new evidence showing that he concealed from IRS investigators critical information corroborating the Biden bribery claims.

House investigators also want to interview Mr. Weiss’ sidekick, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf. IRS whistleblowers say she stood in the way and even worked to undermine their efforts to fully investigate the Bidens for influence peddling and public corruption.

As more questions arise about the integrity of the case, a deal is about to be settled in federal court. Hunter Biden is scheduled to appear before U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika on Wednesday to face sentencing in what critics call a sweetheart deal offered by Mr. Weiss and Mrs. Wolf.

The president’s son will plead guilty to two federal misdemeanor charges of failing to pay taxes and will agree to a diversion plan to avoid charges of falsifying a firearm background check form.

Unlike others who have faced similar charges, Hunter Biden is not expected to serve any jail time.

SEE ALSO: McCarthy vows Biden impeachment inquiry wouldn’t be political

The plea agreement has raised concerns about the handling of the investigation. Two IRS whistleblowers who worked on the case testified this month that Mrs. Wolf suppressed efforts to more closely scrutinize the Bidens, including the president.

Mrs. Wolf has donated to Democratic candidates, including Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro last year. Her husband, Daniel Wolf, a researcher and teacher at the University of Pennsylvania, made 14 donations to Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, records show.

IRS whistleblowers testified this month that Mrs. Wolf blocked them from investigating WhatsApp messages that Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese investor and Communist Party official in August 2017. In the messages, Hunter Biden demanded money from the investor and warned that his father was sitting with him.

Days later, the investor’s associates wired one of Hunter Biden’s shell companies two payments totaling more than $5 million.

Mrs. Wolf also thwarted IRS agents’ efforts to search President Biden’s guesthouse or seek documents from Hunter Biden’s law firm, whistleblowers said.

She tipped off his attorneys when the agents proposed a search of one of Hunter Biden’s storage units and banned agents from asking about President Biden’s suspected involvement in his son’s business schemes. An email from a Biden business associate suggested reserving 10% of profits for “The Big Guy.”

SEE ALSO: Hunter Biden’s lawyers scramble to explain ‘miscommunication’ over false claims to court

Mr. Weiss’ specific role in directing the IRS and FBI agents is less clear, but reporting in The Federalist cited an unidentified source who said Mr. Weiss appears to have failed to act on an FBI informant’s bribery claim even after FBI agents from Pittsburgh told him they had independently corroborated some of the details.

Federalist senior legal correspondent Margot Cleveland said the information from the source shows that Pittsburgh FBI agents were able to corroborate basic facts provided by the FBI informant, including travel records and meeting confirmations.

From the limited information they corroborated, the agents determined that they should further investigate the FBI informant’s claim that Mykola Zlochevsky, CEO of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, told the informant that he paid a $10 million bribe split between then-Vice President Biden and his son Hunter.

Mr. Zlochevsky told the informant that the money was paid in 2015 and 2016 in exchange for the vice president’s role in the ouster of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was pursuing corruption allegations involving Burisma.

The Pittsburgh agents confirmed several details about the claim, including the informant’s presence in various European cities and a visit to Kyiv that aligned with his reported timeline of events. The Pittsburgh office was not authorized to investigate the claim any further. That job and accompanying subpoena power fell to Mr. Weiss.

The Pittsburgh agents told Mr. Weiss in an October 2020 briefing that the FBI informant’s claim included credible information. Nearly three years later, Mr. Weiss has not commented on whether his office is investigating the matter.

Mr. Weiss, appointed by President Trump in 2018, never provided the FBI informant’s memo to the IRS agents, even though it aligned with some of the agents’ discoveries as they investigated Hunter Biden for tax fraud.

“It highlights the fact that Pittsburgh lacked subpoena power, which is why it went to Delaware, and thus it was imperative for Delaware to do something about it,” Ms. Cleveland told The Washington Times.

Jason Foster, an attorney for IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, told The Times that Mr. Weiss kept his client and fellow IRS whistleblower Joseph Zieglerin the dark about the FBI informant’s bribery claim and its corroboration by the FBI’s Pittsburgh office.

The move prevented the IRS agents, who have vast experience and success in tracking down complex payments described in the bribery claim, from following the money.

“That’s precisely their expertise,” Mr. Foster said. “That’s what they do. They’ve been very successful bringing in lots of money for the U.S. taxpayer by tracking money flows through foreign LLCs by very rich and sophisticated people who are trying to avoid U.S. taxes.”

Justice Department officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte sent a letter Monday to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican,  saying Mr. Weiss would be available to testify at a public hearing in September or October.

In his testimony to Congress, Mr. Shapley said the Justice Department blocked Mr. Weiss from filing additional charges against Hunter Biden in the District of Columbia and California. Mr. Weiss has denied Mr. Shapley’s claim. He also denied retaliating against Mr. Shapley, who continues to work for the IRS.

House lawmakers are seeking depositions from Mrs. Wolf and other Justice Department and IRS officials involved in the Hunter Biden investigation. House committees could issue subpoenas to compel testimony.

Mr. Uriarte told Mr. Jordan that Mr. Weiss “is the appropriate person” to answer questions about the Hunter Biden investigation.

The Justice Department, Mr. Uriarte said, is “deeply concerned by any misrepresentations about our work, whether deliberate or arising from misunderstandings, that could unduly harm public confidence in the evenhanded administration of justice to which we are dedicated.”

• Susan Ferrechio can be reached at sferrechio@washingtontimes.com.

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