- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 25, 2023

America’s perils seem almost too many to count.

China’s coming on strong with the artificial intelligence and technological takeovers; with the communist infiltration of America’s schools and places of higher learning; with the CCP-funded buys of America’s farmland — and movie theaters — and corporate interests. But then there’s this whole deep state business Donald Trump exposed while serving as president.

Which peril is the greater to American freedoms?

As Col. John Mills, retired, said:
“While in government service, I was right in the middle of colleagues spying on candidate and then president Trump. … I realized in early 2016 something was amiss.” And then, “suddenly, out of the blue,” he added, came “Russia, Russia, Russia.”

Fast-forward to 2023, and 2024-declared presidential candidate Trump continues to face concerted government attack.

And if Trump is the face of the America First patriot — well then, attacks against him are truly attacks against patriotic Americans. 

At least China’s designs to topple America are now out in the open. Much of the deep state is behind scenes; many of the deep state players work hand-in-hand with bureaucrats in global governments — and China! — and with self-serving politicians of both Democrat and Republican parties to crumble the country.

The question of which source is the bigger danger to America may in fact be moot. What’s China’s interests are globalists’ interests are Democrats’ interests are deep states’ interests.

The true enemies of American liberty are collectivism and atheism, in all their many forms.

Tune in for more on this discussion.

* Bold and Blunt is available at The Washington Times, at Real Life Network, at the Christian podcast Edifi app, through Apple — basically, wherever podcasts are available. 

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