- The Washington Times - Monday, July 24, 2023

Seventy-four percent of Americans believe in God; 69% and 67% in angels and heaven, respectively — but only 59% in hell and 58% in the devil, according to new polling from Gallup.

Surprise! That’s going to be the reaction of quite a few Americans one fine day. But the findings explain quite a bit, beginning with the moral collapse of the country. If a quarter of Americans don’t believe in God, and a third don’t believe in Satan, then it’s actually quite easy to live carefree, unconcerned with accountability, completely free of the confines of absolutes and rights versus wrongs and fears of judgments from a higher power.

This is why America is facing a collapse in political power right now.

Joe Biden, the puppet president who can barely stand by himself, never mind form cohesive sentences, never mind lead a nation of free people, never mind stand strong to the dangers of a communist-minded world — Joe Biden is not the problem of America. Rather, he’s the consequence. He’s the just desserts.

Biden is the outward show of Americans’ drifting moral compass; of Americans’ falling and failing faith. So, too, the word salad incompetent poop, Vice President Kamala Harris. If America, as a nation, still set God as the highest authority in the land — which is how a country based on a concept of God-given rights is supposed to go — then no way, no how, no way in you know what would people like Biden and Harris and their team of merry globalists be in the White House. No way, no how, no way in you know what would socialists and communists and godless bottom-dwellers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow squadsters ever make it into Congress. Godly Americans wouldn’t stand for it.

And Democrats and their ungodly, socialist-slash-communist, globalist-loving atheist partners-in-politics wouldn’t dare be so bold and open about their anti-American ways. They’d have to hide their intents and cloak their communism and disguise their collectivist ambitions; they’d have to sneak — they’d have to snare voters into believing they’re doing something for America, when really they’re doing everything against America.

But the nation has gone secular.

Feckless Biden is the tip of the national spear, showing how secular the nation has gone.

In a question worded this way — “For each of the following items I am going to read you, please tell me whether it is something you believe in, something you’re not sure about, or something you don’t believe it” — Gallup poll participants showed just how much this nation has changed in the last 22 years. In 2001, fully 90% told Gallup they believed in God; 83% in heaven; 79% in angels; 71% in hell; and 68% in the devil. Now those numbers have been sliced by double digits.

Currently, 28% say they “don’t believe in” the devil and 14% are “not sure.” And 27% don’t believe in hell and another 14% aren’t sure of the existence of hell. Think about that: 42% of Americans laugh off the idea of the devil; 41% laugh off the idea of hell. 

That’s just what Satan likes to hear. He does his best work when he’s under the radar — when his targets scoff his existence. Put a frog in boiling water and it jumps in panic to safety. Put it in warm water and turn up the temperature little by little, until boiling is achieved — and the frog stays put, happily unaware of impending death.

America, the national temperature is rising, and rising fast.

“Belief in the five spiritual entities has declined … since 2001 but has held relatively steady among weekly and nearly weekly or monthly church attendees, Protestants and Republicans,” Gallup wrote. “American’s beliefs regarding God, angels, heaven, hell and the devil have … fallen by double digits since 2001.”

Get back to church.

Get back to the Bible. Get back to God — before the water is boiling and it’s too late.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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