It is amazing to me that CMT, formerly Country Music Television, and liberal media outlets are targeting country singer Jason Aldean’s new song (“CMT pulls music video for Jason Aldean’s ’Try That in a Small Town,’” web, July 18).

The song is about values of family, community, safety and support for police, along with law and order. Maybe the political left does not like the message since it shows the destruction by mobs in Democratic-run cities. 

Life in small towns is not what it is in leftist-run urban centers where the district attorneys do not support police or even enforce the law. Many songs popular with young people today discuss harming and even killing the police, raping women and looting and displaying guns — all while making free use of the N- and F-words. Maybe it is these songs that need banning, not Mr. Aldean’s. 

Mr. Aldean’s new song shows that the rioters of recent years are not gun-toting Christians of small towns — as the media would have us all believe — but crazed, far-left activists with zero respect for law and order.

In my opinion, people of all races are safer in small towns that value family, community and the police.

If CMT does not support Mr. Aldean’s song, all country music fans and singers should “Bud Light” it. This is just another example of prejudice against country music and the outspoken, conservative Mr. Aldean.


Machipongo, Virginia 

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