- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 20, 2023

One of the most common retorts that Christians who call out evil hear is, ‘Hey, you can’t judge me — the Bible says thou shalt not judge.’

But how can a Christian live a godly life without judging?

This argument of leftists, secularists and atheists is one part skewed Bible principle and two parts out-of-context Jesus teaching.

As Dan Darling, a best-selling author — his latest is, “Agents of Grace, How to Bridge Divides and Love as Jesus Loved” — as well as a frequent media guest and podcast host of all-things-faith-based, said: “People say you shouldn’t judge, right? But when people say that, they’re actually making a judgment themselves, right?”


Besides, judging someone’s actions is quite different from judging whether someone belongs in heaven versus hell.

“The question is not should we make moral judgments because everyone does that — whether or not you’re religious,” Darling said. “The question is what kind of moral judgments are you making and what is your basis for them.”

Scripture provides the guidance.

And in this episode, Darling discusses all that — as well as this:: “Merely speaking the truth is not a form of hate. In fact it’s a form of love,” he said.

Listen to the liberals as they gasp.

It’s always fun with atheists try and teach Christians about the Bible.

* Bold and Blunt is available at The Washington Times, at Real Life Network, at the Christian podcast Edifi app, through Apple — basically, wherever podcasts are available. 


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