- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 18, 2023

In-N-Out, a fast-food burger franchise, sent around a notice to employees — which was then posted by a critic of the company policy on Twitter — that said the wearing of face masks was prohibited at work, save for those who could show a doctor’s note advocating otherwise.

The frightened masses making up the left will go into a tizzy. But this is a return to common sense — albeit slowly. Too slowly.

“Masks not allowed: Texas bar owner bans customers from wearing face masks,” The Washington Post wrote in May 2020.

“Clothing store Kitson bans face masks after spike in theft,” CBS News wrote in August 2022.

“Can I Require My Employees to Wear a Face Masks?” Hackler Flynn & Associates asked in a headline in March 2023. And their answer? No.

“Right now,” the site reported, “employers can no longer require employees to wear a face mask except in certain settings.”

Better late than never. In-N-Out is taking a strong stand that’s been far too long in coming. Now if only other businesses would follow suit with teeth and policy.

“Dear Associate,” In-N-Out wrote, as unhappy poster Dr. Lucky Tran tweeted, “We are introducing new mask guidelines that emphasize the importance of customer service and the ability to show our Associates’ smiles and other facial features … No masks shall be worn in the Store or Support facility unless an Associate has a valid medical note exempting him or her from this requirement. Associates who wear masks for medical reasons must wear a company-provided N-95 mask.”


None of those Hollywood crochet versions — N-95s only. 

“You can send In-N-Out Burger a comment about their discriminatory policy banning masks here,” Dr. Lucky Tran wrote below the company memo, above a link to In-N-Out’s customer service.

So. This is where we’ve arrived in America — at a place where ridiculous government mandates based on made-up science have successfully brainwashed the gullible into truly believing it’s “discriminatory” to return to common sense.

And therein lies the danger of the coronavirus years: The government, based on nothing but fear, was able to swing insanity toward widespread acceptability. The effects linger on, sadly.

America, under the coronavirus, and based solely on executive orders; bureaucratic dictates; ever-changing science that was actually pseudoscience and only unchallenged because of censorship; and the exploitation by socialist-Marxist-communist-minded wicked forces of the fearful and fear-filled — America became a melting pot of compliance. Patriotism was redefined as “do as I say;” health choice was tossed to the side for the “good of the people.” The business sector became the tool of government enforcement; wild-eyed atheists and secularists became the narrators of the public consciousness; the dictates of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci became sacrosanct — random and ever-changing as they were; and suddenly, churches shut down because congregants were told by leftists in government that singing would spread the virus. That — as marijuana shops flourished and liquor stores grew their profits. 

Take the shot! Wear one face mask, no, two, because it’s common sense, dontcha know. Stay home — stay off the streets — stay away from clean and open park and beach air — and good Lord, get out of the schools now.

Military members were forced to take experimental shots. So, too, private sector health care workers. So, too, college kids. So, too, employees at all walks of business life. Myocarditis? Blood clots and menstrual disruptions? Eh. Shh. 

The government knows best.

Even now, the insane drive in their cars by themselves while wearing face masks. Why?

They’ve been cowed into obeying. They’ve been beaten into submission. They’ve been frightened from thinking for themselves. They’ve been used as tools of ignorance by those who seek power; who lust for control; who want nothing more than to crumble America from within and without, and who know that the last wall to destroy to usher in communism and collectivism around the world is a nation of individuals who know their rights come from God, and who aren’t afraid to demand that their government leaders stay in their proper, subservient roles. Yes, that’s America.

But only if the Dr. Lucky Trans of the world — the many, too many Dr. Lucky Trans of this country — are told to stifle, then the madness will finally stop.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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