President Biden’s sanitized visit to the southern border is very much like a 10-year-old doing what his or her parent wants but with a bad attitude. It fulfills what was asked of him, but with a mindset that takes away any good that doing the deed could have brought.

To go see streets cleaned up of the illegals sleeping on them is not “going to the border” with the right attitude. Going to see the wall, but not seeing the thousands climbing over or around or through its gaps is not getting the truth of the situation. And he’s doing it on purpose. These are empty actions done only for the mainstream media.

The staged event, like a Chinese army parade, is a deliberate show of false power meant to quiet a just objection to illegal moves. The Biden administration is not enforcing all of our laws; it is choosing which laws to enforce. It will severely punish Jan. 6 lawbreakers but let Black Lives Matter riot and kill and the drug cartels violently rule our borders.

The Democrats’ statements of concern for those who come to the U.S. illegally is as empty as Biden’s visit to the border. They are just an act.

Bel Air, Maryland

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