It’s time to introduce legislation to fire federal employees who stole COVID-19 relief money from us taxpayers (“Tens of thousands of federal employees bilked government of pandemic cash,” Web, Jan. 31). Investigators from the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency and more have found our employees stealing from us.

Goody-two-shoes legislators seek ways to report the abuse and then do nothing about it. Talk is cheap and only serves to incite the electorate. Accountability at all levels of government is necessary to restore faith and confidence in our system. It should be easy: No employer in the civil sector should be able to keep an employee who stole from them.

These thieves should not be allowed on any government payroll. Fire them and take away any retirement benefits. Brazen abuse like this means they have been stealing from the system for a long time.


Fort Worth, Texas

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