I despise our government sending tax dollars to support the war machine in Ukraine. American-supplied HIMARS missiles systems are not only used in battle but are being used to shell cities and kill civilians.

I’m a patriot. I served in the Vietnam War. My dad was in the U.S. Army during World War II. But our current foreign policy reeks. The U.S. ran from Vietnam and Afghanistan only to be trapped with another fiasco, fighting Russia via Ukraine. This is unacceptable and another big foul-up by our government leaders.

Taking on Russia, which fought alongside us to defeat Nazi Germany, is risking escalation. 

Also, I do not like supporting the white supremacists in Ukraine. By that I mean the likes of the Neo-Nazi AZOV and Aidar groups. The U.S. is supporting an ideology that Russia and the U.S. fought to eliminate in World War II.

We need to stop sending money and weapons to Ukraine and remove sanctions from Russia. We must step back from our aggressive foreign policy.

San Jose, California 

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