Maryland’s Republican party is over. I was a Republican, but I am fed up with the ongoing stupidity and lack of messaging and passion.

Dan Cox was the wrong candidate for Maryland governor. Listening to him talk was like listening to paint dry, and his platform could never win in Maryland.

Outgoing Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is a smart politician because he knows a far-right agenda does not win votes in Maryland. Contrary to what Mr. Cox says, he didn’t have a chance of winning in a deep blue state. Republicans cannot win without moving to the center, the way Bill Clinton did.

The GOP should know by now that bragging about Donald Trump’s endorsement is political suicide in Maryland.   

The Republicans have no message. They are disorganized, out of touch with middle-class, working people and have no outreach in urban areas. Most middle-class voters here in Maryland are not consumed with concern about gay marriage or abortion. We care about making a living, supporting our families and trying to have a nice life. Republicans’ failure to win elections will force many of us to leave the state.

Now two generations are inundated with student debt and voting in droves against Republicans because Democrats tricked them into believing they are the party of Santa Claus. Why were we blindsided by this? Republicans cannot be the party of “No.”

What’s more, recent polls demonstrate that abortion, with restrictions, must remain legal. Republicans lost elections over this locally and nationally.

GOP losers like Dan Cox will not suffer; they will go back to their ivory towers while the middle class suffers. Extensive changes must be made. Republicans must beat the Democrats at their own game; winning is everything.



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