- The Washington Times - Monday, January 2, 2023

TIBERIAS, Israel — One of the world’s foremost Christian preachers, the Rev. Franklin Graham, said in the lead-up to New Year’s that the world is “imploding,” wars and violence are everywhere, socialism is spreading, and “anti-God agendas” are coming out of the closet, fast and furious.

Be prepared for an even more turbulent 2023, he warned.

And the hits just keep on coming.

“As we begin 2023,” he wrote in a social media post, “the world we live in seems to be imploding. A brutal war is bringing suffering and death in Ukraine …”

He went on: “Senseless violence is rampant across the United States.”

He went on: “Anti-God agendas that once hid in the darkness are now proudly out in the open, demanding acceptance.”

Can you say LGBTQ agendas?

Can you say child sex grooming?

He went on: “Developed nations are being overtaken by socialism” — or Democrats, as the case may be in America; my take, not his — and such socialism is rapidly “removing God from anything and everything in the public square.”

Quite right.

And let’s not forget, socialism is simply communism’s slower-moving sister.

He went on: “And if you think things are bad, just wait — they’ll get worse.”

He’s not wrong.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants everybody back in face masks — which is step one toward generating the very type of widespread fears that allowed government to seize individual rights from all Americans, shutting down entire communities, entire businesses, entire school districts and churches and more.

Inflation in America is above 7% — and that’s being billed as good economic news.

“The annual inflation rate in the US slowed for a fifth straight month to 7.1% in November of 2022, the lowest since December last year,” Trading Economics wrote.

Yay, Team Biden.

Under Democrat leadership, this country has gone from thriving, chugging and growing — i.e., Donald Trump’s White House — to cheering when things aren’t as bad as a few months before; that, yes, things are bad, but they’re not as bad as yesterday. But they’re still really bad.

Balloons and cake for everyone.

Then came this: “Biden Signs $1.65 Trillion Spending Bill Including Aid to Ukraine,” from The Wall Street Journal — and bam, watch as America’s economy plunges once more. How can America survive by blowing money it doesn’t even have — by taking on more debt, more debt, more debt — and by spending for outside entities, Ukraine, with little direct benefit for American citizens?

And this $1.7 trillion bill only gets us through September 2023.

“As followers of Jesus Christ, what do we do?” Graham wrote.

Pray. Repent and confess and pray and tell others to do the same. That — and vote Republican. Graham didn’t say that, of course. But it’s implied.

Most all the economic, political and cultural ills the world is suffering, the United States is suffering, the citizens of America are suffering — most all hail from the Democratic Party.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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