- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state is the new chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. And that makes her just about the most important female politician in Washington, D.C. right now. Why?

She stands at the helm of pointing America’s way toward freedom and individualism — or continuing America’s dangerous walk down a path of tyranny and collectivism.

House Energy and Commerce doesn’t just deal with gas and energy prices; foreign commerce; interstate economic transactions; environmental issues. The committee deals with food and drug safety, and public health and research and Big Tech and social media communications.

The committee has the power to examine why Americans are still being pushed to wear face masks; why vaccines were mandated in the first place — and who profited and how much; how many have been adversely affected by the vaccines, and what kinds of compensation these victims deserve; how the likes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates became the overlords of COVID-19 policies in America; to what extent the private sector unlawfully and immorally partnered with Big Government and Big Tech and Big Pharma and medical bureaucrats to pressure citizens to comply with unscientific COVID mitigation measures — and to what extent these same entities are carrying on these same immoral and unlawful pressures; and perhaps most interestingly, the money flows from taxpayers to the medical community, by way of political and bureaucratic dole-outs. It’s never good when the foxes have total charge of the henhouses. It’s unabashedly unethical when the beneficiaries of regulatory controls — benefitting by money or power or both — get to set the conditions of the regulatory controls.

McMorris Rodgers sits atop the committee now in charge of looking at all these issues.

And she’s previously promised to do just that.

Back in September, McMorris Rodgers said this: “Now that [President Joseph R. Biden] has finally acknowledged the pandemic is over, he should immediately begin to unwind the public health emergency so our country can get back to normal.”

Well, Biden’s just extended the public health emergency another few months — opening doors for more money, more money, more money to flow from bureaucrats on Capitol Hill to bureaucrats in the states to bureaucrats in the hospitals and medical professions and pharmaceuticals and the like. It also shields the pharmaceuticals from accountability for health hazards from their COVID shots.

In February, McMorris Rodgers, along with dozens of Republican colleagues, sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and to Biden to acknowledge the damage the government-imposed COVID-tied measures have done, and “immediately provide a plan to unwind the public health emergency so [America] can get back to normal,” she wrote.

In January, McMorris Rodgers hit back at the announcement from the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that, hey now, oops, guess what — but sorry, there’s a possible link between one of the Pfizer shots and strokes in those over age 65.

“The lack of transparency over the past three years has broken Americans’ trust in our public health agencies,” McMorris Rodgers wrote

“Both agencies,” she went on, “will be testifying before the Energy and Commerce Committee so we can begin the long road of helping to restore American’s trust in our public health agencies.”

That is indeed a long road.

But it’s one that is necessary to travel if America is to stay America — if America is to be the America it was before medical tyrants and bureaucratic despots took over COVID controls and stole away about every individual right that exists from God, underscored in the Constitution.

“McMorris Rodgers Blasts Democrats’ Masking Hypocrisy,” her congressional website reported in February.

McMorris Rodgers Blasts Governor Inslee’s COVID-19 Response During Capitol Hill Hearing … [saying] Democrats’ Failed Policies are Harming Children, Creating Labor Shortages and Setting America Back,” her congressional website reported in January 2022.

Republicans have some important work to do in the House, and so far, they’re laying the groundwork for much-needed investigations — into China influence, into the weaponization of government against citizens, into the discovery of classified and secret documents in Biden’s possession, into Hunter Biden, and so forth.

But McMorris Rodgers holds an even more important role, one that could bring America back to pre-COVID norms of liberty and emphasize that individual rights come from God and government is only in service to preserve and protect those God-given rights — or one that solidifies the socialism and communism and Marxism that’s taken root in this nation in recent years. Which will it be?

Reeling in the medical tyrants is a necessary step to keeping America free.

Holding the COVID exploiters accountable for their actions is a crucial move if we are to maintain individual liberties.

McMorris Rodgers is the one to watch.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is the one to follow.

It’s time to stop the medical and bureaucratic tyranny, and make clear: Never again.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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