There is something very odd about the timing of the discovery of classified documents in President Biden’s possession. They were found shortly after Mr. Biden announced that he will run again for president in 2024. There is something very odd in the way this is unfolding in the administration and in the Democratic Party, too.

The mainstream media seems to be upset about these documents, and they are actually covering the news. Why now? The Democratic politicians are strangely silent. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special prosecutor (a Republican, no less) even sooner than he did in the document mess involving former President Donald Trump. Since when do Democratic attorneys general move this fast to look into a Democratic president?

I suspect the reason for all this sudden action is the change in the House of Representatives and the successful insurrection against Kevin McCarthy. The RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are not in control, and that makes Mr. Biden very vulnerable. The leftist leadership sees death by 1,000 cuts for Mr. Biden before 2024, which will only drag down the Democratic Party. The Democrats in New York ousted Gov. Andrew Cuomo and survived with a weak and unappealing Gov. Kathy Hochul; it seems as though congressional Democrats think a weak and unappealing President Kamala Harris would help them survive (or at least not kill the remainder of their careers).

I think they believe that forcing Mr. Biden to resign over classified documents will be the final stake in Mr. Trump’s political heart. And it may well work. Cut out the liability and kill the strongest enemy, all with the same setup. And with minimal spillover.

The Republican situation is thus muddied and the Democrats can blame Messrs. Biden and Trump for everything. Plus, then they get to enter 2024 with a minority president, which is a major ideological win for their woke shock troops.


Wayne, Pennsylvania

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