Hunter Biden, who has financial ties to companies controlled by the governments of China, Russia and Ukraine, had free access to the recently discovered, illegally possessed classified information in his dad’s garage (“Biden versus Trump: A tale of two presidential probes,” Web, Jan. 16).

Hunter Biden lived for at least two years at the Delaware house where President Biden’s Corvette was stored. Did any of Hunter’s cocaine dealers or Russian prostitutes hang out at the house with him? I am pretty sure Hunter did not have a security clearance, but he and any of his guests had access to the same garage that held a box full of classified documents.  

Who in his right mind would allow Hunter within 100 feet of classified documents? Oh, the same idiot who swore Hunter into the Navy as an officer: then-Vice President Joe Biden. Unlike at Mar-a-Lago, there was no Secret Service guarding the house or the garage most of the time.  

I hope the Justice Department is checking the collected files for fingerprints to see if Hunter’s fingerprints are on them. If Hunter Biden touched a single one, he should be immediately arrested and charged with espionage.


Judge Advocate General’s Corps, U.S. Navy (retired)

Alexandria, Virginia

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