Sarah Parshall Perry of The Heritage Foundation makes a solid case for states to ban abortion drugs sold at pharmacies (“Poison pills: States should look to ban abortion drugs,” Web, Jan. 9).

While it is great news that states have the option to ban the death pills, they should be banned based on the fact that they kick-start a very difficult, painful process, including excruciating cramps and lasting mental scars.

Medically, the abortion pill is four times more dangerous than first-trimester surgical abortion. Complications from the abortion pill include hemorrhaging, incomplete abortion and infection that can cause death, which will send more women to hospital emergency rooms — mindful of back-alley abortions. Also, women should be screened by physicians for pre-existing conditions that would preclude using the abortions pills (e.g., an ectopic pregnancy).

Sadly, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy have both agreed to sell the abortion pills and become merchants of death.


Silver Spring, Maryland

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