- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 7, 2023

So President Biden is set to deliver his State of the Union address this evening.

That is to say: Make way for the lies.

The only question is how many Pinocchios will he earn? What a great drinking game this would make.

“Six lies Biden will tell in his State of the Union,” The New York Post wrote. What are they? Budget deficit reductions, inflation, economic woes of the previous administration, gas prices, border control, and domestic energy production. 

The Associated Press implied one. “Biden’s State of the Union to tout policy wins on economy,” AP wrote in a headline. Insert laugh here.

The New York Times, meanwhile, suggested hundreds may be in order — though this is probably not the takeaway that was intended from the published headline, “Opinion: The Night of 1,000 Eye Rolls.”

What does Biden possibly have to tout as an accomplishment over the past year?

It’s a valid question. Even NBC wanted to know. In an interview with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, NBC host Chuck Todd threw the softball, “Why do you think [Biden’s accomplishments have] not penetrated the American public?”

And Buttigieg, right on cue, obligingly responded, “I will say that there have been so many accomplishments under this administration, it can be difficult to list them in a distilled way.”

OK. List one then.

No really. Go ahead.

And driving up gas prices to record levels, then lowering them by a fraction does not count as a success of “lowering gas prices.” 

The fact is most Americans are well aware this president is a pretty crappy president as far as presidents go.

“Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent: POLL,” ABC News wrote in a headline just a couple days before the SOTU.

“Biden 2024? Most Democrats say no thank you: AP-NORC poll,” AP wrote in a headline just a day before the SOTU.

“Most in new poll say Biden hasn’t achieved much in first two years,” The Hill wrote in a headline just hours before the SOTU.

It’s the Democratic numbers that speak loudest.

“A New Poll Finds That Democrats Really Don’t Want Biden to Run Again,” the far-left Mother Jones wrote in a headline a few days ago. Why not? As one previous Democratic president put it a couple decades ago: It’s the economy, stupid.

“The data shows that many voters feel like they’re worse off financially,” Mother Jones wrote.

That’s ‘cause they are.

That’s ‘cause this White House has done everything it can to put voters at an economic disadvantage — gas prices, food prices, energy prices, egg prices, for crying out loud — while all the while pretending it’s the people, not the policy-makers, who are to blame. America can’t stand one more finger-wagging Biden official scolding the evils of gas stoves. Not when it’s getting harder and harder to afford the food that’s supposed to be cooking on top of that gas stove anyway.

“Faster than expected inflation ‘is actually a good sign,’ White House official says” — remember that, from mid-2021? The Yahoo!News headline served as a monthslong campaign of deceit from Team Biden to paint the stalled economy in good terms. Biden, meanwhile, carried that deception across the finish line in the November 2022 election season by taking credit for raising Social Security — conveniently leaving out mention of the federal law that ties SSA payments to inflation. In other words: When inflation hikes, Social Security payouts automatically hike. 

So when the White House put out a statement in November 2022, saying “seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” what they were really acknowledging was the economy was so poor — inflation was surging so high — that SSA’s automatic payment hikes were taking effect.

Joe Biden. Even when he’s telling a truth, he’s lying. 

Or more to truth: Even when he’s caught lying, he keeps on lying. 

“Joe Biden’s lies are legendary,” one YouTube headline said in July 2020.

And post-SOTU 2023, the legend is sure to grow. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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