I am not impressed by the FBI’s assurances that no classified documents were found in a search of President Biden’s Rehoboth Beach residence (“University of Delaware seen as next target in Biden classified documents probe,” Web, Feb. 1). 

Of course no classified documents were found there — Biden’s handlers have had weeks to engage in a clean-up operation. Federal agencies courteously and indulgently gave them ample time to send anything compromising to the incinerator. Even if they hadn’t, what confidence can we have that the search was really as thorough and uncompromising as claimed? We only have the FBI’s own word for it.

Given the slapdash, lackadaisical handling of documents at Biden’s home and at the Penn Center, it beggars belief that all other locations are now suddenly completely squeaky-clean. If nothing is found, it won’t be vindication of Biden’s unblemished innocence but deeply suspicious of further federal pro-Democrat connivance and corruption.


Lancashire, United Kingdom

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