President Biden’s sudden willingness to negotiate border-security measures in exchange for Ukraine funding is a cruel hoax perpetrated by his puppet masters (“Senate Democrats dig in against plans to stop the flow of illegal immigrants,” web, Dec. 7).

The Republicans, too fragmented to see things as they really are, are entertaining this toxic bone thrown at them as a win. They had better wake up, and fast.

The current immigration lunacy has filled the U.S. with enough dangerous characters that even Democrats have finally had enough. This plan was indeed based on “replacement” footings, something that’s obvious when news reports show New York and other great cities looking like Beirut and Somalia.

The true endgame, however, is getting these illegals to vote — illegally — for Democrats. The Republicans have to forget about border policy; that horse has left the barn.

The only thing to do now is fight this plan for criminal election interference and demand that every dollar allocated for Ukraine, the IRS, diversity and green programs be spent instead on removing the illegal aliens who arrived on Mr. Biden’s watch.

We can do it by hiring thousands of Border Patrol agents and releasing them from restrictive controls.


Thatcher, Arizona 

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