- The Washington Times - Friday, December 8, 2023

Female Israeli soldiers captured and killed by Hamas terrorists had their breasts cut off, their crotches and intimate areas shot, their faces mutilated, their legs chopped, their heads severed, their bodies burned to ash — and of course, were raped.

And all the antisemites go: It’s Israel’s fault.

Let’s just pretend for a second that Hamas terrorists were justified in attacking Israel. Let’s just put on the fantasy hats the anti-Israel crowd wears and act as if Israel were the aggressor — Israel the illegal occupier — Israel the terrorist-type nation with cruel genocidal intents to wipe off the face of the map all the Arabs, all the Muslims, all the Palestinians of the world. Just for a fairytale moment; just for one short second, pretend as if Hamas were the innocent and Israelis the evil.

Would that still justify such treatment of women?

Hamas terrorists are beasts. 

At the United Nations in New York, Israeli army reservist Shari Mendes spoke about the horrors of receiving and preparing for burial the bodies of female victims, some IDF soldiers, from the October 7 terror attack.

“These’ women arrived [at the IDF’s Shura base] with their eyes open, their mouths grimacing, their fists clenched,” Mendes said, The Jerusalem Post reported.

One woman’s arm had been broken in so many spots the rabbinical unit Mendes works with couldn’t place it properly in the shroud; other female soldiers “were shot in the crotch, intimate parts, vagina, or shot in the breast,” she said.

One survivor recounted how she watched a terrorist rape a woman, then cut off her breasts and play with them; one female victim arrived at the base with her legs cut off; others, with heads cut off; one “with a large kitchen knife still embedded in the neck,” Mendes said, The Jerusalem Post wrote.

Some were burned so badly they were more piles of ash — that disintegrated upon touch — than flesh and bodies; others were covered in blood, their faces unrecognizable because of the many bullet holes on their faces.

“It seems as if mutilation of these women’s faces was an objective in their murders,” Mendes said. “[Some even had] heads bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out.”

Hamas terrorists are animals.

So what’s that make Rep, Pramila Jayapal, University of Pennsylvania president Elizabeth Magill and all the pro-Palestinian mouthpieces who’ve been protesting madly around college campuses and in choice spots in certain cities — certain Democrat-controlled enclaves — in recent weeks?

Tools of the terrorist beasts.

Tools of the terrorists.

“Rep. Jayapal dismisses Hamas rape charges to vilify Israel on CNN,” 770 KTTH wrote in one recent headline about the Democrat “Squad” member, Pramila Jayapal, who called for a more “balanced” approach in discussions of Hamas v. Israel.

“We have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians,” she said. “Fifteen thousand Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes, three-quarters of whom are women and children.”

Wonder how many had their breasts cut off and played with after they were raped by IDF soldiers. Hmm. 

The antisemites are out in full force, and they’re horrifically dismissing the Hamas dogs who brutally tortured women because a) they don’t care about violence against Jews or b) they’re ignorant of Israel history and are willing to shill for the antisemites because they feel as if they’re taking part in something important — and therefore, don’t care about violence against Jews.

“Harvard, M.I.T. and the University of Pennsylvania,” The New York Times just reported, “faced threats from donors, demands that their presidents resign and a congressional investigation as repercussions mounted over the universities’ responses to antisemitism on campus.”

Good. Clear the campuses; shut down the doors; dry up the donor funding; set up the administrators for hot and fiery questions before Congress and the American people — anything to make clear that chasing down Jewish students and forcing them to hide behind locked doors to avoid the wrath of ignorant pro-Palestinian terrorist-enabling tools is not an expression of free speech.

“U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres involved a rarely exercised power” — one “that hasn’t been used for decades” — to warn the Security Council of an impending ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ in Gaze [and to urge] members to demand an immediate humanitarian cease-fire,” The Associated Press wrote.

And that’s as good a reason as any, maybe better, for all of Congress to sign on to a measure from Reps. Chip Roy and Mike Rogers, Republicans from Texas and Alabama, respectively, and from Sen. Mike Lee, Republican from Utah, to defund and draw back from the United Nations.

“This year, the United Nations’ corruption and its despicable, brazen political agenda have been on full display,” Roy said, in a statement about the “Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle, or DEFUND, Act of 2023” he helped introduce.

“From UNRWA actively protecting Hamas and acting against our ally Israel, the delayed condemning of Hamas, to China being elected to the ‘Human Rights Council’ to the propagation of climate hysteria,” the statement continued, “the UN’s decades-old internal rot once again raises the questions of why the United States is even still a member or why we’re wasting billions — indeed, $12.5 billion in 2021 — every year on it.”

Good question.

Why is America funding one of the leading antisemitic government organizations in the world?

One clear answer is this: Because Democrats hold political power. 

“In one move, [Donald]Trump eliminated US funding for UNRWA,” Brookings wrote in 2018, of the previous administration’s pull of U.S. dollars from the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees  — dollars that ended up helping terrorists and terrorism against Israel.

Then came Joe Biden, and it was this: “Biden administration to restore $235 million in US aid,” the BBC wrote in April, 2021.

Helping terrorists; enabling terrorists; talking out of both sides of the mouth to pretend to side with Israel while simultaneously siding with the groups that would like to eradicate the Jewish state and people — these are the ways of the Democrats, the globalists, the anti-semites.

But even antisemites should have standards when it comes to smashing in women’s heads and spilling their brains on the floor, or raping them repeatedly before cutting off their legs.

These are not acts of warfare.

These are acts of evil committed by those who have little in common with the human race. And they should be treated as such.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.


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