- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 7, 2023

Canada’s Human Rights Commission recently released a paper that led to a political leader actually asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to weigh in on the matter and address the question: Is Christmas racist or not?

Trudeau at least said no.

But like so many things of the tyrannical left, what starts as a trickle can — absent pushback from those of sane minds — lead to a flood. Leaving this particular matter unquestioned or unexplored could soon enough result in a mass media-driven hysteria about the inherent racism of Christmas that would then lead to a massively hysterical response from the likes of school administrators to blot out all-things-Christmas from schools before the atheists catch the fever to sue them for celebrating a racist holiday.

Voila, Christmas is racist.

That’s how the left works.

Anyhow, the genesis of this bit of leftist ridiculousness began, as so much of the leftist ridiculousness does, with the scholarly bureaucrats.

The HRC in Canada put out a report in October about religious intolerance, in which was stated, “Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism. This history manifests itself in present-day systemic religious discrimination. An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada. Statutory holidays related to Christianity, including Christmas and Easter, are the only Canadian statutory holidays linked to religious holy days. As a result, non-christians may need to request special accommodations to observe their holiday days and other times of the year where their religion requires them to abstain from work.”

First off: So?

So what if the tree worshippers have to take a personal day to go dance in the forest while wearing garlands crunched together with branches and pine cones?

That’s called life.

That’s called adulting.

Not all holidays are equal. Not all religions are equal. Some, in fact, aren’t religions at all.

Second off: Canada was founded on Christianity. It was a Christian nation when it was first established. Christianity coursed through its foundations and served as a cultural identifier — and, similar to America, its schools and places of public gathering and politics reflected those Christian principles. So, of course, Christmas was a nationally recognized holiday.

But just as in America, secularists have grabbed ahold of the culture and driven a more worldly, materialistic and ungodly view into the politics, and suddenly wokei-sm is everywhere. Christmas is being bandied as discriminatory.

While the HRC in Canada didn’t exactly deem Christmas racist, it came pretty darn close. It came close enough that the leader of a nationalist party in Quebec actually asked Trudeau about it; after which the HRC actually issued a self-defense and clarification about it; after which a conservative member of Parliament in Canada actually introduced a bill about it — a bill to declare all of December “Christian Heritage Month.”

That’s Canada.

This is America.

But in America, the war on Christmas has waged for years — with many who’ve started the war even arguing against the fact they’ve started a war, and saying rather they’re simply trying to be tolerant of all religions and inclusive to all. And of course, that’s the attitude that’s led to America’s public schools booting such offensive words as “Christmas” and “Easter” from their academic year calendars, and replacing them with the more generic — but oh so inclusive and tolerant — “winter break” and “spring break.” It’s as if Christmas and Easter and Christianity in general have become these big secrets nobody’s supposed to discuss — like Joe Biden’s mental ineptness — or Dylan Thomas’s manhood. But Christmas as racist?

The left’s assault on Christianity knows no boundaries.

And that’s why Americans should pay attention and to this bit of Canadian news: What happens in Canada won’t necessarily stay in Canada

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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