- Wednesday, December 6, 2023

How can Americans invest billions of tax dollars in public education, yet the results are abysmally poor? Our students test low in every area of academic achievement, school facilities and infrastructures across the nation are crumbling; school districts face transgender issues, and bullying, violence, and drugs are so common they are no longer newsworthy. What has happened to government-provided education, and more importantly, what is the solution?

The preeminence of the Bible in the classroom that encouraged scholarship and the awareness of our heritage of Christian self-government was displaced over the decades of the 19th century, causing the decline of education and, thus, our nation.

However, there is good news! The philosophy and method of education that held sway at the founding of our nation, called the Principle Approach® produced the generation of citizens that framed our United States Constitution. There is a resurgence among parents, pastors, and patriots in every part of our nation who are restoring this method of education for our youth. The Principle Approach® lays Biblical principles at the heart of every subject, producing results in scholarship, reasoning, and character. It builds future citizens equipped for the privilege of self-government. The Principle Approach® method has been validated by consistently producing the highest scores on the PEERS Test.

What are some of these principles we teach the children?

The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) has a mission of returning Biblical principles, scholarship, and Christian character to our youth through Principle Approach education so that, once again, we can be a self-governing nation.


• Carey Woodruff is Executive Vice President of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE). Carey serves the publishing and teaching mission of FACE that supports private Christian education, trains educators in schools and homes, and engages like-minded organizations in the restoration of America’s moral, political, economic, and educational base.

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