- Wednesday, December 6, 2023

This was President Biden’s schedule on Tuesday, according to a daily email to reporters from the White House.

10:15 a.m.: The president departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Boston.

1:45 p.m.: The president participates in a campaign reception, Weston, Massachusetts.

4:15 p.m.: The president participates in a campaign reception, Boston.

7 p.m.: The president participates in a campaign reception, Boston.

That’s it. That was his day.

Meanwhile, here’s what’s going on in America: soaring inflation, unaffordable housing, escalating crime, rampant drug abuse and overdose deaths, a mental health epidemic, a student loan crisis, skyrocketing federal debt (it rises $1 million every 24 seconds), an absurdly expensive health care system, wealth inequality, a crumbling infrastructure, illegal immigrants storming across the border, mounting poverty and homelessness, mass shootings, and political polarization that is becoming violent.

Mr. Biden hasn’t done a thing about any of those crises. Not one thing. Everything has just gotten worse since Mr. Biden moved into the White House.

Now, sure, you might say, well, that’s just one day, not to mention that it is campaign season. But hang on: Here’s Mr. Biden’s schedule for the whole week.

On Monday, Mr. Biden received the “presidential daily briefing” — at 12:15 p.m. Then, nothing.

Wednesday, he kowtowed to Native Americans at the White House Tribal Nations Summit (every four years, the Democrats try to convince Indians that they’ll help, and then they ignore them until the next election).

Thursday, nothing official, but a campaign fundraising event in Washington in the evening.

Friday, Mr. Biden flies to Las Vegas for yet another campaign reception. Then it’s over to Los Angeles for one more cash grab. He and the first lady will stay the night in a five-star hotel. Then, on Saturday, you guessed it, attend a campaign reception.

The Bidens will have another wonderful night in LA before heading out — to Delaware. If history is any guide, Mr. Biden won’t be back to the White House until midday on Monday.

All that raises the question: Why does Mr. Biden even want to be president again? Yes, what else is an 81-year-old guy to do, but it’s clear he doesn’t want to do the hard work of being president. So why — at his age — even run again?

Mr. Biden spent $1 billion in 2020 to win the White House, so he’s likely going to spend much of the next year just collecting cash (forget that most Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck).

And what’s most hilarious about it all is that the lapdog media doesn’t even see the irony of Middle-Class Joe (that’s the media’s take of the multimillionaire career politician who somehow owns two mansions while having made a government salary his whole life) hobnobbing with celebrities.

Singer James Taylor will be on hand in Boston, and in Los Angeles, he’ll tap the deep pockets of Hollywood directors Steven Spielberg and Rob Reiner. But to the media, he’s still Scranton Joe.

The president hardly ever works. His daily schedule is beyond light (seriously, you do more in a day than Mr. Biden does in a week). For Thanksgiving week, while we were all working away through Wednesday to get a few days off, the Bidens booked out to Nantucket, where they hung out at a $38 million mansion provided by a billionaire donor.

If it seems like he’s almost always on vacation, it’s because he is. Mr. Biden has reportedly spent nearly 4 in 10 days of his presidency on vacation, according to statistics compiled by the Republican National Committee. The Bidens’ last trip to their seaside mansion marked the president’s 74th trip to Delaware since taking office — his most frequent destination as president, the RNC said.

“Since taking office, Mr. Biden will have spent 63 of 128 weekends in Delaware and another 27 weekends at Camp David. Mr. Biden has spent just 25 weekends — 19.5% — in Washington, D.C.,” the committee concluded in its report, The Washington Times reported.

On the way to Boston, White House deputy spokeswoman Olivia Dalton told reporters that Mr. Biden’s travel “is certainly being paid for in full compliance with federal regulations” when asked about the absence of an official event, as opposed to a campaign one.

Ms. Dalton said the president is president “wherever he is.” But why isn’t he busy solving our country’s problems? Why doesn’t he use his bully pulpit to demand action to help Americans?

The answer is that Mr. Biden doesn’t care. His life is great. He’s doing just fine. He couldn’t care less about your problems. And that’s why you should vote him out of office next November.

• Joseph Curl covered the White House and politics for a decade for The Washington Times. He can be reached at josephcurl@gmail.com and on X @josephcurl.

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