- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 28, 2023

Nothing says “reconciliation” like tearing down a monument to reconciliation called “the Reconciliation Monument” in the graveyard that is itself America’s greatest monument to reconciliation after the Civil War.

Nothing says “peace” like dismantling the “Peace Monument” in America’s hallowed Arlington National Cemetery.

When President Biden took office nearly three years ago, he promised peace and reconciliation.

“We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal,” Mr. Biden said. “We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts.”

In a nod to the serious, adult challenges facing the country, he told the assembled lawmakers in Congress: “I promise you we will be judged — you and I — by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era. We will rise to the occasion.”

Today that scorecard is in tatters beyond anyone’s ability to imagine on that cold January day in 2021. But it is safe to say that Mr. Biden and Democrats in Congress have successfully resolved none of these cascading crises.

Wars? Fentanyl? Inflation? Border security? Gas prices? Health care costs? Crime?

Extensive polling shows that Mr. Biden has plumbed historic depths when it comes to American citizens who say they are worse off under the Biden regime.

Mr. Biden’s only hope is to promise more abortions and lie about Republicans’ position on the hot-button issue.

Also, racism. This is why Democrats in Congress ordered that “the Reconciliation Monument” at Arlington Cemetery be torn down this year.

They refuse to address any of the real problems Americans actually care about, and they cannot seem to find a war anywhere they don’t want you to pay for. But tear down a monument to peace and reconciliation? That is what they are here for.

It is the only promise these people manage to keep — not that any of them actually campaign on this vitriolic nonsense before actual elections.

Even Democratic voters don’t want these Civil War statues and monuments torn down. But it is the only hope for Democratic politicians in their desperate campaign of fear and racial demagoguery.

When it comes to preserving and understanding America’s common history with humility and respect, Mr. Biden and his racial henchmen are no different from ISIS terrorists who take hammers and cranes to tear down some of the world’s most precious antiquities.

If it suits their momentary political agenda to keep themselves in power, history be damned. Peace and reconciliation are for losers.

There is no racial or religious division Democrats will not exploit to cling to power. Just look at college campuses today and see young Democratic voters openly siding with terrorists and shouting for the extermination of Jews.

Ironically, the only political candidate in America today with the guts, moral clarity and humility to stand up to Mr. Biden and his American ISIS henchmen is a man who tells his voters, “I will be your retribution” — which for some reason suddenly upsets Democrats. Former President Donald Trump is unyielding in his desire to confront these cancerous tumors of American disunity and demise.

The damage these people have done to our country will not be identified or resolved with nice tweets, pandering and backroom backslapping.

It is interesting that the most famous political decision made by Nikki Haley when she was governor of South Carolina was to capitulate and support the removal of a Confederate flag from a historic monument on the grounds of the state Capitol after nine Black parishioners were murdered in a Charleston church.

Because nothing says you care like making an empty political statement more than 100 miles away from where God’s precious children were being buried after an unthinkable massacre.

This singular decision by Mrs. Haley — along with her widely touted enthusiasm for American military engagement around the world — are the prime reasons her supporters say she would make such a good Republican president. This is especially true among Democratic voters who support Mrs. Haley’s presidential campaign.

But no amount of political pandering by Mrs. Haley solved a single problem. The only thing helped by that weak decision was her political career.

A new year is upon us. It is now time to judge these people on how they resolve this ongoing cascade of crises.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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