Millions of immigrants continue to stream into our country. Once they get in, their whereabouts quickly become unknown. They are unvetted and many are unvaccinated; hence, they are a threat to our well-being.

Many of their origin countries wish us ill, and President Biden knows that. We incentivize the invaders by giving them food, phones and plane rides to their preferred destinations and housing — all with money we don’t have. Of course they’re coming in droves.

Why are the Democrats and Mr. Biden doing this? Power, pure and simple. For them to keep it, they need dependent minorities as supportive voters. They haven’t thrown open our border because they care about the oppressed; far from it. They’re doing it to increase the ranks of Democratic voters, all under the guise of compassion.

Now, after three years of turning a blind eye, they’re suddenly interested in “controlling” the immigration surge. But that’s only because an election is 10 months away and the invasion has become unpopular, affecting Mr. Biden’s poll numbers.

Staying in power is more important to Mr. Biden than Americans’ safety and health, the national debt and enriching the cartels who deliver the next crop of Democrats.

Ask yourself: If Mr. Biden were serious about securing the border, would he have assigned the laughable Kamala Harris to the task?


Selbyville, Delaware

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