In their maniacal obsession to scalp Donald Trump by any means necessary, the Democrats have been advancing the theory that the 14th Amendment is “self-executing” — you need not wait for the outcome of an actual trial to declare the ruling you want (“Jamie Raskin cheers Colorado decision, dares U.S. Supreme Court to allow Trump on 2024 ballot,” web, Dec. 22).

The unforeseen consequence, however, is that if true, this theory needs to be applied to many more people than just Mr. Trump. 

The text of the 14th Amendment does not just concern itself with “insurrection and rebellion” against the United States, but those who give “aid and comfort to the enemies thereof,” which also applies to President Biden. After all, it was Mr. Biden who ordered the unnecessary and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that damaged America’s global authority and returned the hostile Taliban to power. It was Mr. Biden who authorized the abandonment of billions of dollars’ worth of supplies and military equipment to be seized by and empower the Taliban.

Apologists for Mr. Biden say his hands were tied by Mr. Trump’s decisions, but if so, that only makes Mr. Biden the obedient facilitator of someone the Democrats have been screaming is a “known insurrectionist,” so it hardly gets him off the hook.

The letter of the law is clear: Mr. Biden has publicly and obviously given aid and comfort to America’s enemies. If a law is truly “self-executing,” it cannot discriminate. There’s no judicial interpretation, no convenient picking and choosing of which phrases are relevant. It activates instantly when the conditions are met.

President Biden has violated the insurrection clause and must be stripped of office immediately, not invited to gracefully retire.


Lancashire, England

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