- Tuesday, December 26, 2023

President Biden should mind what he wants for Christmas.

Last week, the Great Uniter embraced the Colorado Supreme Court’s divisive decision to boot former President Donald Trump from the Centennial State’s presidential ballot for inciting an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

Never mind that Mr. Trump has not been convicted, tried, or even indicted for that crime. Concluding that day’s speech, Mr. Trump urged his followers to express themselves on Capitol Hill “peacefully and patriotically.” This was the polar opposite of a rebel yell.

Regardless, Mr. Biden concurred with Colorado’s high court. He told journalists in Milwaukee last week that Mr. Trump “certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero.”

Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin are among 15 states considering barring Mr. Trump from their ballots.

Rather than encourage this anti-democratic insanity, Mr. Biden should beg the U.S. Supreme Court to drop-kick Colorado’s ruling into the Potomac — ideally unanimously. Legalities aside, the political repercussions could be disastrous for our country in general and Mr. Biden in particular.

If the Supreme Court affirms Colorado’s decision, Democratic-led states would gleefully pry Mr. Trump from their ballots.

Democrats should not expect Republicans to curl up like armadillos and cry. The GOP would have no choice but to retaliate.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which Colorado’s four Democratic judges used to go after Mr. Trump, disqualifies federal candidates who have given “aid and comfort” to the enemies of the Constitution.

Republicans could argue that Mr. Biden does exactly this.

Mr. Biden’s calamitous withdrawal delivered Afghanistan to the Taliban, the same murderers who coddled al Qaeda before Sept. 11. Mr. Biden left behind a fabulous housewarming gift: $7.12 billion in weapons that he should have removed or destroyed, not bequeathed.

Mr. Biden’s deliberate obliteration of our southern border has turbocharged America’s foes. Mexico’s drug cartels are earning an estimated $12 billion in annual human-smuggling revenue.

Under Mr. Biden, 6,553,837 illegal aliens have been apprehended on the southern border through October, including 294 on the terrorist watchlist. And 1.7 million known “gotaways” have escaped into the interior with zero scrutiny. A daily record 12,600 illegals invaded on Monday of last week. One illegal received an immigration hearing date: Jan. 23, 2031!

The cartels are exporting fentanyl, the No. 1 cause of death for those aged 18 to 45. It fatally poisons some 70,000 Americans annually. Mr. Biden could not care less as bodies stack up like bricks.

Mr. Biden’s priority is to keep the border as open as a machete wound and wave in as many future Democrats of America as possible. Mr. Biden and the left reckon that these illegals will be grateful for all the freebies and, thus, vote at least 51% Democratic — immediately or eventually. If so, mission accomplished. All else is collateral damage.

Meanwhile, thanks to Mr. Biden’s flaccid response to drone and rocket attacks on commercial and military vessels by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen, freight and oil carriers are shunning the Suez Canal and diverting at least 120 ships around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope.

This route slows the ride from Singapore to Rotterdam from 34 days to 43. This logically increases carbon dioxide emissions by 26.5%. Container shipping costs from China to the Mediterranean already have soared 70% since Nov. 19.

This catastrophe is largely due to Mr. Biden’s chestfeeding of Iran’s ayatollahs. Mr. Biden’s desperation to revive the wretched Iran nuclear deal has fueled an appeasement policy that makes Neville Chamberlain resemble Douglas MacArthur.

Just 23 days after becoming president, Mr. Biden delisted the Iranian-sponsored Houthis as terrorists. The Houthis show gratitude by … perpetrating terrorism.

Mr. Biden has unfrozen or approved a staggering $87.02 billion to Iran, Earth’s No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism. That is a heaping helping of aid and comfort to one of America’s most cutthroat enemies.

Mr. Biden’s appeasement of China — e.g., his failure to confront Xi Jinping on COVID-19’s origins or prevent Beijing’s spy balloon from snooping on U.S. military facilities — also aids and comforts a U.S. enemy.

If cornered, Republicans could justifiably block from state ballots the best friend of these and other U.S. foes, Mr. Biden.

• Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

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